GA Election Case - Back Open!

Precious_b's Avatar
YR, I think he's going for a trifecta.
He's already got a couple of threads closed of late.

Continuing to lie about lawsuits on a closed case might be his try for a third.
They only people stalling are trump's legal teams.
Desperately trying to get the cases pushed till after the elections.
Good thing the Georgia election cases are closed.
... Hmmmm... Georgia cases are WHAT?? ... Closed??

You lads might wanna inform BOTH Gov. Brian Kemp's office
AND the GA State Elections Board of that.

'Course I might just be creating things like SEB2023-25 and
SEBBI2023-001 out of thin air just to piss-with you fellows.

Then again - maybe not.

... Just heard that the State Elections Boad will NOT be
covering the results of the SEB2023-25 investigation
at Tuesday's meeting... or at least it aint looking that
they will. Seeing-as they got over 17,00 missing ballot images
in Fulton County alone.

... Me "insiders" have mentioned that NOW other areas of Georgia
are wanting to review their ballots. ... NOW it's to the tune of
some 140,000 ballots - and complaints against Secretary of State
Raffensperger's office are at a fever pitch.

So the SEB2023-25 investigation has been labeled "violations found"
and has been re-classified "continued".
... Surely reckon THAT means MORE investigations coming.

Hmmmmm... So now 140,000 ballots that citizens have been PREVENTED
from auditing due to the efforts of Raffensperger's office.

The ballots reportedly all looked like identical carbon copys
and were included in the election.

Another case set up to investigate Raffensperger and his office
(SEBBI2023-001) is on the agenda and has not yet been
"continued" or "canceled"...

... So let's see what happens.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
and "the just wait for it"......... keeps on coming.....

I will say this; for someone here, they were built without the quit feature. BtW- a recent google search revealed nothing about KEMP or GA votes being recounted from 2020, or 2022. The gateway pundit has posted some of this but as per usual, the proverbial can was kicked down the road ......again. I think 'the Onion', had some breaking news on this also!

Edited to add: SEBBI2023-001 so I see from the fine folks at JoeHoft, that this allegation of improper handling has ZERO affiliation with the election board or SOS, and in fact can be an allegation of improper actions where ppl like citizen Rossi etal, are simply looking for a full tabulation of hand counts; And as such may or may not be even able to view those results. I would think that someone who is not a part of process, or the legal entity of review and recommendations would have zero iota of sway on what they as individuals find. I would go as far as to ask from Mr. Rossi, if they ever came to a conclusion EVER, where their opinion of review, resulted in any actions, reversals, or changes etc. I'm guessing it's a big fat NO.
... Those opinion-pieces are GRAND! ...

Uh... SEBBI2023-001 does NOT deal with "improper handling"
- it deals with investigation into Raffensperger's office.

Hmmmmm... "ZERO affiliation the Election Board"??
What do you think "SEB" stands-for there, mate?
Stands-for "State Election Board" - it's their investigation.

... No, Mr. Rossi and others are looking for the ballots.
Not just 17,000 but over 140,000. ... Gonna need to see 'em.

Let's get this out of the way - YOU don't have any problem
with SoS Raffensperger's office PRODUCING the ballots
for inspection and review, do you?
Seeing-as the State Supreme Court has called for it, yes?

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet, the premise of this thread - is still false.
Yet, the premise of this thread - is still false. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... What is false about it?

### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A case that was closed is now back open. Untrue.
... You mis-understand, mate.

... One case was "closed" - after the Guv's acknowledgement
that the state wrongly counted a few thousand EXTRA votes for Biden!

Which has led to the investigation into SoS Raffensperger
and his office.

And of course we STILL have the other case with the INVALID ballots.
Surely hope you didn't forget THAT situation.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Seem to remember a member posting on this thread lamenting the "tit for tat" responses.

At worse, a gentle chiding about lack of posting facts from trusted sources would stop such.

Can we see a link to the court case currently in session or pre-trial diversion stuff?
... Just heard earlier today that the Elections Board "deadlocked"
on the issue of investigating Secretary of State Raffensperger.
Their reason was to get clarification on whether they actually
are legally able to investigate the Sos's office.
Or IF the Georgia state A.G. has to be the one to do it.

Hee Hee! You'd surely think that they'd have checked
on this BEFORE-hand - and would already know.

So more stalling there... Brian Kemp is "all talk and no cock"
when trying to placate people... No backbone to do the proper thing.

Funny that they continue to blame "human error" for getting the
machine tabulations wrong. ... Not Voter Fraud - just sloppy type
of "mistakes" that upon review - all balanced out in the end.

So they kick the investigation "down the roadway"...

Perhaps not for long, though... as Conservatives calling FOR
the investigations surely FILLED the place.

STILL waiting to see the ballots... Lawsuits coming next.
Surely seem that they're waiting for Trump to Win the next
election to soften the situation for them.

#### Salty
Precious_b's Avatar
Guess opinions still rule the day here.

Gonna havta throw that tit for tat thing out the window.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I prefer tits over tats. But tits with tats might be the best.

Still waiting to see anything substantiated by anything other than “me political insiders.”

Surely we hope to see the evidence before the next horseshoe (ahem) drops.d
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

STILL waiting to see the ballots... Lawsuits coming next.
Surely seem that they're waiting for Trump to Win the next
election to soften the situation for them.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I asked you earlier with no response from you so I'll try again. Let's assume that the ballots are released to investigators. What are they hoping to find? The ballots have been counted and recounted multiple times. Biden still wins after every recoount.

We went through this with the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona who examined every ballot in every way possible and came up with nothing that would indicate there was any fraud in the voting.

So what exactly will the examiners do in Georgia to prove fraud if they get their hands on certain ballots?