Trump Gives permission to wear masks, finally

After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end.
bambino's Avatar
Maybe it’s because the “experts” didn’t think masks were necessary when Covid hit. They changed their minds over time. Maybe the rioters and thugs will wear them too. Not only to cover their identity but to help mitigate the virus!!!!!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2020, 03:21 PM
Nowhere in the rule of law is it written - that anyone needs POTUS "permission" to wear a mask in these times.

1b1 must be looking forward to Biden and the radicals - when No One may do anything without government Permission - and OBLM racist consent.

1b1 will be in "the pasture of paradise" supplied by the AOC and radicals Soylent Green New Deal.

Wait till reality kicks in.

Vote Kanye West - one of his platforms is "A kardashian" for every minority male not in prison.
LexusLover's Avatar
Nowhere in the rule of law is it written - that anyone needs POTUS "permission" to wear a mask in these times. Originally Posted by oeb11
1blackman1 needed his permission!

Which reminds me ... has Obaminable given permission to wear one?

  • oeb11
  • 07-20-2020, 03:26 PM
!b1 - part of the Plantation politics of the DPST's - gotta have the White Massa higher us give direction to the minority minions.

Need I remind anyone of the Lily white debate stages of teh DPST candidates. ?????

Republican Conservatives - equal opportunity for all - and think for Oneself - not follow mindlessly what the DPST party and LSM wants the DPST dependents to believe.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I think the headline says everything we need to know about you...Trump "gives permission" to wear masks. What are you? Some kind of subservient piece of crap? I give you leave to go.
After months of idiocy, Trump has finally asked his followers to wear masks. Now all that stupidity can come to an end. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
If wearing a mask gives your IQ a boost it might be worth it.
The whole idiot crew. Thanks for showing up fellas. Your lord and master has given you and the rest the trumpies and trumpettes permission to stop complaining about wearing a mask and questioning science and going ahead and putting your masks on. Trump and I are in agreement on this, it’s patriotic to wear your mask, like every other person with good sense. Just took him a couple months longer than everyone else. I suppose it’ll take you idiots another month or two, but at least Trump has told you it’s ok.
Lapdog's Avatar
The whole idiot crew. Thanks for showing up fellas. Your lord and master has given you and the rest the trumpies and trumpettes permission to stop complaining about wearing a mask and questioning science and going ahead and putting your masks on. Trump and I are in agreement on this, it’s patriotic to wear your mask, like every other person with good sense. Just took him a couple months longer than everyone else. I suppose it’ll take you idiots another month or two, but at least Trump has told you it’s ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
bambino's Avatar
The whole idiot crew. Thanks for showing up fellas. Your lord and master has given you and the rest the trumpies and trumpettes permission to stop complaining about wearing a mask and questioning science and going ahead and putting your masks on. Trump and I are in agreement on this, it’s patriotic to wear your mask, like every other person with good sense. Just took him a couple months longer than everyone else. I suppose it’ll take you idiots another month or two, but at least Trump has told you it’s ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You’re not very bright are you? State and local governments make the rules regarding masks. You have to wear a mask in Pittsburgh to go into any building, business that happens to be open. So it doesn’t matter what Trump does. If Trump federally mandated it, you can bet shitheads like Cuomo, Insley, Newsome et al would ban masks. I hope Trump does mandate it. It would be a laugh watching the commies explode.
The whole idiot crew. Thanks for showing up fellas. Your lord and master has given you and the rest the trumpies and trumpettes permission to stop complaining about wearing a mask and questioning science and going ahead and putting your masks on. Trump and I are in agreement on this, it’s patriotic to wear your mask, like every other person with good sense. Just took him a couple months longer than everyone else. I suppose it’ll take you idiots another month or two, but at least Trump has told you it’s ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I am going to gym right now to train. I won't be wearing a mask in there. Never have, never will.
Lapdog's Avatar
Who gives a fuck about Pissburgh? Fucking shithole.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The whole idiot crew. Thanks for showing up fellas. Your lord and master has given you and the rest the trumpies and trumpettes permission to stop complaining about wearing a mask and questioning science and going ahead and putting your masks on. Trump and I are in agreement on this, it’s patriotic to wear your mask, like every other person with good sense. Just took him a couple months longer than everyone else. I suppose it’ll take you idiots another month or two, but at least Trump has told you it’s ok. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

the cult of Fauci the fraud

so now after all this time Fauci is finally right? well it was bound to happen sooner or later yeah?

matchingmole's Avatar
Trump needs a mask.......
bambino's Avatar
Who gives a fuck about Pissburgh? Fucking shithole. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Another brilliant post.