How to prepare for a prostate massage

DallasRain's Avatar
How to prepare for a prostate massage

Prostate massage is a healthy and pleasurable activity that can be enjoyed as part of your intimate life. Many men feel more comfortable receiving prostate massage after they have prepared. Preparation can range from a simple shower to a complete internal rinse. This document will outline your options for preparation and suggest simple steps for maintaining hygiene while enjoying the pleasures of prostate massage.

The minimum preparation for enjoying a prostate massage is a regular bowel movement followed by complete external cleansing. Washing the external anal area with warm soap and water is often enough to allow you to feel at ease.

If you would like to rinse internally, you have a few easy options. A disposable bulb enema is quick and easy. Fill the bulb with plain warm water, gently insert the nozzle into your anus and squeeze the bulb, immediately allowing the water to rinse out. Repeat several times, or until the water runs clear. Never use hot or cold water- aim for wrist-temperature warm.

Preparing for prostate massage can make this intimate exchange more pleasurable and allow you to relax deeper into the experience. Thorough cleansing prior to the massage will take your worries away,and it will make the experience more enjoyable for both you and your partner

Sidenote--you can also use a woman's douche to cleanse beforehand....Just use one that is unscented or a vinager and water based one.
Great advice, Dee.

A Fleet disposable enema an hour beforehand works well.

thanks for posting this.

I am very interested in p-spot stimulation, unfortunately im not sure if there are any girls in my area that provide this kind of service

I already knew about home enema prosucts, but it is still nice to see this posted, especially by a prostate massage expert
Sidenote--you can also use a woman's douche to cleanse beforehand....Just use one that is unscented or a vinager and water based one. Originally Posted by DallasRain


Let me repeat that again: NO.

I would NEVER recommend a douche with vinegar or other twee elements be used for an enema. The rectum absorbs EVERYTHING put into it; this is why some medications are taken this way (systemically). This is not the place for odd liquids to be going; they will be absorbed directly into one's bloodstream.

If one has a VERY healthy diet with lots of fiber and veggies, you won't need an enema. Unless you have poor dietary health/bowel movements, there won't be feces in the rectum. The bulb syringe method is probably good enough for a person with a healthy diet.

And if you do need an enema, then I would use ONLY warm, distilled water. Tap water has all sorts of nonsense chemicals in it. I won't even drink it

However, one needs a very soapy washcloth to properly wash the ass. A hand quickly sliding between the butt cheeks is not going to do the job. I have had to throw more than one expensive set of massage sheets away cuz some lazy guy didn't know how to wipe his ass properly, nor how to thoroughly wash it, and left skid marks behind ;(
Great advice, Dee.

A Fleet disposable enema an hour beforehand works well.

nubuzz Originally Posted by nubuzz2010
I totally agree with the Fleet disposable and surprisingly, you can get them at the 'Dollar Tree' for... yep, you guessed it, one dollar!

But, I strongly disagree with your time frame. The fleet only washes out the lower rectum and yet the lower bowels are affected as well. One hour does not seem sufficient if you wish not to leave any trace of a rectal exam ; ) Of course, every man/woman is differant!
DallasRain's Avatar
good, points!!
Lovin50's Avatar
How to prepare for a prostate massage Originally Posted by DallasRain

I was going to ask how the heck the person in the video shaved so well and such a clean clean Ass. Then figured it out! It's a fake torso!!

I have not had my second cup of coffee yet!

Perhaps a disposable bulb enema whould be included in the toy bag just in case for you ladys. Much cheeper than new sheets!
birder22's Avatar
MsKriss has a point about commercial enemas - what I find is that it takes about 6 hours for all residual effects of the enema to clear even if it is not the material you are trying to clear - I always allow several hours to make sure everything has run its course - so to speak.
Several times with an anal syringe is the minimum. A good deep colonic is better. I find the shower enemas great.
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Thanks, Dallas for great advice I read this the other day. Very nice
DallasRain's Avatar
YW Sonya!

There is so much interest in prostate massage cool that people are open minded!
Don't forget lots of lube Dallas!! lol