Rules question

BBWDeAnna's Avatar
I have searched and searched and perhaps it exist and I missed it..

What are the rules..regulations..allowances on

Providers S.O..boyfriend..husband..havin g a handle here and posting reviews and/or purchasing premium access

Can he see providers and review them for credit (not his S.O of course).

Does he have to make the community aware of who he is with?
biomed1's Avatar
Please see the comments inserted into your questions below.

I have searched and searched and perhaps it exist and I missed it..

What are the rules..regulations..allowances on

Providers S.O..boyfriend..husband..havin g a handle here and posting reviews and/or purchasing premium access
Nothing in the Guidelines would prevent them from joining, posting reviews or purchasing Premium Access.

Of course, this brings up concerns about the following Guidleines:
  • #19 - Account security is of the utmost importance. You are responsible for your account and only your account. You are not to allow any other individual access to your account unless you have received prior approval from staff. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but must be approved prior to releasing access to another party.
  • #20 - The men and women of our board each have their respective private areas in which secure content is posted and a greater freedom of expression allowed. Each member is responsible for keeping the information in any of the private secure areas (Men's Lounge, Provider Powder Room, The Rest of the Story, posts which have been tagged as private) 100% restricted to the members who are intended to have access to that material. Revealing ANY content which was posted in one of the men's or women's private sections of the board will result in penalty, up to and including loss of your access to these areas. Full cooperation may result in a less severe penalty, and each violation will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Repeated infractions will impact the severity of punishment.
Additionally, should he/she assist in the administration of her "business", the Eccie Advertising Guidelines provide the following information:
Some verified providers may have a "helper" This is defined as someone who you are allowing to access your account to post your ad on a weekly basis. This is fine at ECCIE Worldwide, however we do require that you request approval from staff prior to allowing someone this access. This will be approved on a case-by-case basis. In any case where you request a male member to assist you with your ad, conditional approval may be given and your settings/usergroup adjusted to disable access to the female-only forums. This is especially important, since you would be placing your account access in jeopardy by allowing another party to access your account without prior staff approval.
Additionally, if this were the case, restrictions would be applied to BOTH the Provider and the Hobbyist/Helper Accounts.

Can he see providers and review them for credit (not his S.O of course).
That would depend upon his/her Membership status/account. As a Hobbyist; Yes, he could visit with other Providers and provide reviews to be considered for PA Credit. As a "Helper"; No, he/she would not be able to submit a Review for PA Credit. Eccie cannot stop him/her from making and keeping appointments with other Providers.

Does he have to make the community aware of who he is with?
Now we start an ethics discussion on a SHMB. In a perfect world, he/she should make it known to the Staff (and the Membership) their relationship to the Provider. However; if they abide by the Guidelines and, don't draw undue attention to themselves Staff would be none the wiser. If the relationship to a Provider were made known to the Staff by the Membership, Staff would be obligated to investigate this issue and resolve it IAW the Guidelines, and the Advertising Guidelines. Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
Not a cut and dry answer, but often times the answers to questions here on Eccie are "a bit complicated".
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Thats what I needed to know!

I guess to avoid bans etc..the SO could use the same internet etc as a registered provider..keeping in mind integrity and no access to each others accounts paramount?

Mine inquiry is strictly from a hobbyists standpoint and not a helper.. whether the hobbyists makes it known who he is with or not wont be a problem as long as its not flaunted or used in a manner that goes against the guidelines?

Is this all correct?

Could he review the SO? Not for credit etc..

Please see the comments inserted into your questions below.

Not a cut and dry answer, but often times the answers to questions here on Eccie are "a bit complicated".
Biomed1 Originally Posted by biomed1
biomed1's Avatar
There will still be the issue of each one not being privy to the sections of the board not normally available to them. (Provider = Men Only Portion of the board vs. Hobbyist = Ladies Only Portion of the Board)

It would be best to inform the Staff of the relationship at the time of registration. That way it's out in the open, then there are no surprises. If the SO joins in a clandestine manner, Staff will have no idea of who they are, until an issue arises. Then the questions will arrive fast and furious.

It would difficult to know that a review submitted on the Provider is not to be considered for PA Credit, unless the SO reveals himself to the Staff.

The answers provided are based on my understanding of the Guidelines. To receive a definitive answer to your quests, you would be best served to contact Web Support and present the situation/scenario to them directly.

Web Support can be contacted directly at

BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Appreciate it..just wanted some clarity...despite what people may I have said my SO never has had an account..does not look at this place..

My question was more for clarification on SO's I know exist on the board and how the integrity of the board is obviously effected when that is taking place

Thanks for taking the time