A&E special: Long Island Serial Killer on now

strongbad's Avatar
Watching it right now on A&E. Very scary. He has gone after escorts. You ladies please be careful out there! Hopefully it will be on again, all the ladies need to watch it.
I watched this last night and what I found even more disturbing is that they said Long Island police told one of the families that tried to report their daughter missing that because she was a prostitute they had to wait till she was missing for 10 days or longer. Apparently several of the families were treated like this and the police put these missing case files at the bottom of the list. One family said that their daughter didn't actually go into their database until 8 years after she was missing.

The thing is that A&E said this killer is most likely some suburban white guy who doesn't kill every escort/sex worker he see's.

Most of these girls were the "girl next door" type and very young. This guy also killed a 14 month old baby and a young asian man as they found the bodies among the women's bodies.
strongbad's Avatar
Yeah, the police came off really bad. The one family that couldn't even get someone to take their call to report their daughter missing & had to get a lawyer just to get the cops to take a statement.
Yeah, the police came off really bad. The one family that couldn't even get someone to take their call to report their daughter missing & had to get a lawyer just to get the cops to take a statement. Originally Posted by strongbad
This is probably why the killer has been able to kill for so long and get away with it. I am sure it is a number of issues with the police department but the sad fact is women in the sex trade take low priority and most likely their cases do not get worked. In the A&E documentary I thought it was interesting that the families and mothers blamed Craigslist. Women in the sex industry have advertised in many formats long before the advent of the internet. They advertised heavily in the phone book, in the newspapers etc. Yet you never heard any family blame the phone book company or the newspapers for their death.

Do you remember the Greenriver killer? He killed so many prostitutes and eventually started killing civilian women including some that were as young as 11 years old. He got away with for a long time because of this same attitude by police not to mention they screwed up royally in their investigations over the years. They interviewed the killer several times and never bothered to investigate him further until someone finally connected the dots.

This is one reason why I feel it is so important for ladies in the sex work industry to let someone know who they are meeting with, where, and as much detail given about their client as possible so that if they do turn up missing the police have some substantial information to go on.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I watched that last night as well. That is just amazing how Shannon disappeared into thin air and they still have no clues. Just for those that want to read up on it.

I watched that last night as well. That is just amazing how Shannon disappeared into thin air and they still have no clues. Just for those that want to read up on it.

http://longislandserialkiller.com/ Originally Posted by Jack Flash
Something else that really bothered me was the escort who had a driver. I watched him talk about when he last saw the girl who he drove to a house for an appt. Nothing he said made any sense to me. He said she called him and was crouched behind a couch distraught, shaking trying to call 911. He then went on to say he thought she was on drugs and asked her some stupid question (yet not once did he bother to grab her and get her out of the house or situation or call police himself) and he says she ran out of the house down a road. He was in a car trying to catch up with her. A neighbor saw his car on the road slowing down, stopping, speeding up and saw the girl. Yet the driver says he lost her and hasn't seen her since. His story just doesn't add up. Most drivers are paid to not only drive you but also protect you. When the police did investigate this house it wasn't far from where all the other bodies were found down the beach. Yet they still have no real leads?
Jack Flash's Avatar
That was Shannon's driver. He just looks guilty to me.
strongbad's Avatar
That whole explanation with the driver stunk to high heaven. She says their trying to kill her & he asks a question about a movie and just walks back out & leaves her. Only to have her go missing just after all this happened but the police say the driver and the john are not suspects? Very creepy & scary how the killer kept calling one of the victims sister describing what he had done to her and how maybe he will come and show her someday. Almost has a Zodiac killer feel to the story.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I know.. the calls to the sister are crazy. That whole show was just creepy. I can't believe that is so recent. At first I thought the show was about the craigslist killer that was all over the news, but then they started saying the dates of all this.. and that the killer is still on the loose.

I think every girl should goto a gun shop and buy a good taser. You can get them for under $50 that would at least allow the girl to stun the guy long enough to run away.
strongbad's Avatar
Exactly. I think that most girls do take precautions but it's the one that doesn't that this sick bastard preys on.