Trump is Polling at 20% with Blacks, 42% With Latinos.

HoHound's Avatar

These polling numbers are rising. If these numbers are even remotely accurate, Democrats can't win.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
oh my! even the NY Times is concerned!!! must be true .. right???


Why Are Democrats Losing Ground Among Nonwhite Voters? 5 Theories.
ICU 812's Avatar
My take on this is that they are not so much expressing support for President Trump as they are expressing dissatisfaction with the politics of Democrats, specifically President Biden and VP Harris.

These polling numbers are rising. If these numbers are even remotely accurate, Democrats can't win. Originally Posted by HoHound
The numbers aren’t correct but I don’t mind republicans believing they are. If you look at the polls in question it’s an extrapolation issue. Nonetheless, I’m more than happy for republicans to keep doing what they are doing and seeing how the actual elections turn out.
My take on this is that they are not so much expressing support for President Trump as they are expressing dissatisfaction with the politics of Democrats, specifically President Biden and VP Harris. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... The voters want Trump... Because they know
that when Trump is re-elected - all this Biden
economics bullshit and bad ways will surely be over.

... See? ... A bloke with 4 or 5 incictments
against Him and the support is GROWING.

And the other fellow - under investigation himself
is seeing his-own support DROPPING like a stone.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
All the above and now Biden has this really bad polling . . .

I keep hearing that there are important behind the scenes string pullersd scrambling to work out how to dump both Biden and Harris.

But that might just be wishful thinking.
DNinja69's Avatar
The most important poll numbers for Trump are the ones other Republican candidates are logging. Last I saw he has around 55% so the others combined could not get there and I don't believe the party wants to get behind DeSantis so no reason for Trump to show up at a debate or do much actual campaigning he doesn't have to.

Another debate this week maybe someone will catch fire and things will change but I would not bet on it. Not surprising Trump would have some diversity in his support sector but he has also pissed off a lot of minority voters so much like 2020 its going to be hard for him to get those votes back
The numbers aren’t correct but I don’t mind republicans believing they are. If you look at the polls in question it’s an extrapolation issue. Nonetheless, I’m more than happy for republicans to keep doing what they are doing and seeing how the actual elections turn out. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

... So how 'bout THIS - Wash Post/ABC News Poll:
... Trump up TEN POINTS over Biden!

#### Salty
DNinja69's Avatar
Recent polls have shown Nikki Haley leading Biden and even Tim Scott so it would seem Biden is losing ground to the field. At some point if those numbers hold up Dems are going to have some tough choices to make. Ask Biden to step down for Harris who has not looked good in polls when matched as a Presidential candidate or do they try and get Michelle Obama to step in and ride the name as far as it will go?
... So how 'bout THIS - Wash Post/ABC News Poll:
... Trump up TEN POINTS over Biden!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Great poll for Trump. We’ll see how long it holds up. Though the 538 poll avg shows Biden up 2 on Trump, so I suspect Biden and company are less worried about that. And Biden in NH is up like 8 points.

Overall, national polls mean nothing. The only polls that will matter and should be watched are the 6-7 swing states.
eyecu2's Avatar
My take on this is that they are not so much expressing support for President Trump as they are expressing dissatisfaction with the politics of Democrats, specifically President Biden and VP Harris. Originally Posted by ICU 812

I would agree, but again let's take a look at when the last time these poles have been correct - last time I remember them saying Hillary was going to win, and then Trump was going to win, and then there was going to be a giant red wave; Boy- those poles are really really accurate.

I've seen more accuracy on weather forecasts to be honest.
DNinja69's Avatar
Great poll for Trump. We’ll see how long it holds up. Though the 538 poll avg shows Biden up 2 on Trump, so I suspect Biden and company are less worried about that. And Biden in NH is up like 8 points.

Overall, national polls mean nothing. The only polls that will matter and should be watched are the 6-7 swing states. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
I am curious to see as we get closer to the primaries if any of the states Trump claims 'stole' his win hold that against him or swing away from our current relic-in-chief after seeing the fiasco his Presidency has become
winn dixie's Avatar

These polling numbers are rising. If these numbers are even remotely accurate, Democrats can't win. Originally Posted by HoHound
If trump, come actual voting time the dem base will come home and vote dem.
Ripmany's Avatar
Expect everyone one black now
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To remind everyone -- only 5 states matter in the 2024 election -- PA, WI, MI, AZ, and GA. Trump must win 3 of those 5 in order to be elected. Right now WI is trending for Biden so let's just assume that WI goes for Biden. Now Trump must win 3 of the other 4 states. Difficult but not at all impossible.

Trump can't win without the independent vote. He won their vote in 2016 and lost it in 2020. There is little reason to believe he can win them back in 2024.