d didn't get credit for review

asianfetish's Avatar
Hey I recently did a review for a spa from my phone. I didn't get credit I guess because I did not put on the telephone number. It took him a good while to even say I did not get credit. I message the moderator pistolero. I sent the telephone number I was missing in the review hoping to get it edited into the review so I could get credit. Have not heard anything back for over a day. Should I rewrite the review with the correct information or could Joel edit the review so I can get credit. I don't hobby often.


If not could you delete it so I can rewrite it. Thanx and sorry
asianfetish's Avatar
kerwil62's Avatar
Until a mod confirms you may want to add the email address and the state the session happened in as well as the phone number. In other words, all fields need to be filled out. If no email addy, you can put "N/A" in that field. Just don't leave it blank.
asianfetish's Avatar
Thanks kerwil!