Can we talk about something silly....climate change

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Seems to be a lot of global warming news lately. We've all seen the record setting winter but that doesn't convince them that maybe they're wrong. (notice I said maybe?) So with all the problems in the world the democrats have decided to hold an all nighter about the weather.

Then we have the suppressed story about the former Green Peace founder who says that the politicians have invaded with environmental movement along with the press, neo-religious activists, and communists. founder who says the movement less concerned about the planet than the politics.

Then we have the Cadillac commercial....yes, the Cadillac commercial. Have you seen it? Neal McDonough going about the virtues of hard work and success. He talks about American values and the reward of getting a luxury car like the Cadillac. He then goes out to his new car, unplugs it (yes, it is an electric car), and drives away. So why would the leftists be so mad about an electric Cadillac? They don't care about the environment, they care that it is a CADILLAC. They want us all to drive little box cars.

Did I forget to mention the new movie Noah with its environmental preaching. Seems the Muslims don't like it either. Wonder if they're going to lock up Russell Crowe or Darren Aronofsky.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JDIdiot, you really are a broken record, too, aren't you?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and we have our first nibble

One question for that Noah guy.

Where the fuck are all of my Trilobites?
JCM800's Avatar
Was Noah in charge of the fish?

...or were you referring to Joakim Noah?

Winter to Spring, Spring to summer, Summer to Fall. Definitely a change in climate throughout those four seasons. what's the big deal.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I was watching the new Cosmos tonight and they were going over a priest named Giordano Bruno. He believed different from the established church doctrine. He believed in an infinite universe (something bigger than man). The Inquisition got hold of him and they put him in prison for eight years. He refused to recant and they burned him at the stake for heresy. Ten years later Galileo showed that Bruno was correct. The religious environmentalist want to suppress the truth and failing that, destroy the messenger. You say, "religious!" what the hell are you talking about? Mother Earth? Gaia? Gore calling global warming a MORAL imperative and Patrick Moore saying how Green Peace was hijacked by the religious doctrinaires. It is a religious movement and you are not allowed to dispute them.

Couldn't get the modern comparison out of my mind. The church is the environmental lobby, the Inquisition is the media and academia, and we are supposed to play the part of the victims.
I was watching the new Cosmos tonight and they were going over a priest named Giordano Bruno. He believed different from the established church doctrine. He believed in an infinite universe (something bigger than man). The Inquisition got hold of him and they put him in prison for eight years. He refused to recant and they burned him at the stake for heresy. Ten years later Galileo showed that Bruno was correct. The religious environmentalist want to suppress the truth and failing that, destroy the messenger. You say, "religious!" what the hell are you talking about? Mother Earth? Gaia? Gore calling global warming a MORAL imperative and Patrick Moore saying how Green Peace was hijacked by the religious doctrinaires. It is a religious movement and you are not allowed to dispute them.

Couldn't get the modern comparison out of my mind. The church is the environmental lobby, the Inquisition is the media and academia, and we are supposed to play the part of the victims. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Gotta watch those churches they are full of Tea Party folks. Heretics.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really can't read can you? This is not about churches, this is about religion. Try to keep up.
You really can't read can you? This is not about churches, this is about religion. Try to keep up. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Your short term memory is kicking up again Shirley.Post #7 was all about the church .You are slipping fast better get help.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You really need to read more and train yourself to see the nuances. A church is a building, a church is also a way of talking about a religion, a church can also be a philosophy which is administered as a religion.
You really need to read more and train yourself to see the nuances. A church is a building, a church is also a way of talking about a religion, a church can also be a philosophy which is administered as a religion. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Again you wrote it and don't know what it says ? You are getting boring Nancy.
Obama Blew $120 Billion on Global Warming

Obama Blew $120 Billion on Global Warming
March 12, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield 0 Comments

That’s more than twice the annual Social Security deficit. But who cares about the seniors when the world is about to end unless a whole bunch of campaign donors and their companies get piles of taxpayer money.

What could you do with 120 billion dollars? It’s enough money to buy an iPad for every kid in school, pay for a months worth of gas for every American or give a $323 tax rebate to every American.

It would be more than enough to revive the space program or actually fund the military.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday at a hearing on the Defense Department’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget that President Barack Obama has wasted $120 billion on global warming over the past five years – money that would be better spent on the military.

“I’ve been working on this for quite some time … In the last five years, between 2009 and 2014, the president has spent $120 billion on the environmental agenda, mostly global warming, climate and that type of thing,” said Inhofe. “And in that respect, if you’ll just take the amount that was not authorized by Congress — and I’m talking about the environmental agenda, you could actually buy 1,400 F-35s.”

The F-35 Lightning II, made by Lockheed Martin, is considered the world’s most advanced multi-role fighter and “will enable pilots to be six to eight times more effective in air-to-air missions, air-to ground missions and surveillance missions.” It is “first to enter the battle space, has a 360-degree view of the battlefield and is first to see adversaries and take action – allowing our pilots to carry out their missions and return home safely.”

But who needs jets. They’re outdated technology like horses and bayonets. Instead our leaders have mastered the fine art of drawing red lines and then pretending that no one stepped over them.
jamiejo's Avatar
and we have our first nibble

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Damn, that is one UGLY fish!
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I believe that almost 95 percent of the "scientists" that get their funding from the government for climate change study believe in manmad e climate change. The other 5 percentcould not keep a straight face.