In Obamatopia, republican pulls out a win

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In a referendum on Obamacare, according to several democratic pollsters, the republican wins over the democratic with better name recognition, more money, and an uncontested primary. What happened?

David Jolly, a former lobbyist, beat a well known democratic politician (Alex Sink) who narrowly lost a governorship race four years earlier. According to liberal columnist (who wrote this before the loss), a Sink loss would show that Obamacare will be like an albatross round the neck of the democratic party.

Congratulations Congressman Jolly!
beat a well known democratic politician (Alex Sink) ! Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Never heard of him!
Never heard of him! Originally Posted by bigtex
Alex Sink is a women, and she's a criminal like all politicians.

Alex Sink is a women Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That being the case, I stand corrected.

I never heard of her!

If in fact she is a criminal, I'm glad she lost!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
She ran for governor of Florida and lost by 1%. That Alex Sink.

A lobbyist and a criminal six of one a half dozen of the other.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 08:08 AM
as usual, JD is lying ... Jolly worked for the republican that held that seat for over 4 decades .. hardly some Obamautopia ... but in JD's tiny little mind anything is possible... just LIE about it
Another win for the Tea Party - Jolly campaigned against Obamacare, against big central government, against Amnesty !!!!!!!!!!!!

Jolly had the support of Tea Party favorite - Rand Paul.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 08:38 AM
Another win for the Tea Party - Jolly campaigned against Obamacare, against big central government, against Amnesty !!!!!!!!!!!!

Jolly had the support of Tea Party favorite - Rand Paul. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Paul is a Libertarian not any affiliation with the Tea Party ... Paul continues to Bash the shit out of Rafael, your DADDY ... he hates Cruz and his stance on war with Russia, or any war for that matter ..

you're a moron
HAHAHAHA......YOU ARE ECCIE'S BIGGEST DUMMY..................yeah, Rand Paul has NO affiliation with the Tea Party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paul is a Libertarian not any affiliation with the Tea Party ... Paul continues to Bash the shit out of Rafael, your DADDY ... he hates Cruz and his stance on war with Russia, or any war for that matter ..

you're a moron Originally Posted by CJ7
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  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 09:19 AM
HAHAHAHA......YOU ARE ECCIE'S BIGGEST DUMMY..................yeah, Rand Paul has NO affiliation with the Tea Party !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Paul is a Libertarian ... Cruz bashed Daddy Paul, Rand defended Daddy ... you're an idiot

Paul is a small "L" libertarian idiot; he actually is a constitutional conservative in the Grand Old Party (Republican for you dummies)............

How fucking stupid are you that you hold on to the phony belief that Ron Paul "has no affiliation with the Tea Party"?

Enquiring minds want to know.
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  • CJ7
  • 03-12-2014, 12:42 PM
Paul is a small "L" libertarian idiot; he actually is a constitutional conservative in the Grand Old Party (Republican for you dummies)............

How fucking stupid are you that you hold on to the phony belief that Ron Paul "has no affiliation with the Tea Party"?

Enquiring minds want to know. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You made the stupid statement "Rand Paul isn't affiliated with the Tea Party".....and your proof is a recent statement by Rand Paul criticizing other Tea Party politicians???

You are the supreme dummy in the Political Forum !
Rand Paul writes a book titled "The Tea Party Goes to Washington" in which he writes:

"Now is the time to get America back on track-- this is the moment of the new revolution (the Tea Party) that will take us back to our grass roots, to the country of our founding fathers."....

And you think Rand Paul isn't Tea Party affiliated ????????????

BTW, in the opening credits of his book, Rand Paul thanks the "grassroots Tea Party movement across America".....but you think Paul isn't TP affiliated !!!

You fucking moron !