This is a golden opportunity for the Obama supporters

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Up till now we on the right have criticized your hero about his actions and have predicted (correctly in most cases) some idiot thing he is going to do next. So now it's your turn. Obama says that he (meaning the US) will punish Putin for invading and annexing the Crimea. So tell us all what he will do and all your hopes for it's effectiveness.
So tell us all what he will do and all your hopes. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I fervently "hope" that President Obama will one day (soon) sign an Executive Order to lock your goofy ass up in an insane asylum.

I further "hope" that once Mr. President has locked your goofy ass up, he will then throw away the key (preferably in the same general area where OBL now sleeps with the fishes).

That would be an effective use of "Hope and Change!"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hello Bueller, Bueller....nothing?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why don't you take a two week stfu break, JDIdiot?

or better yet, make it a two year STFU break, during which time you can elect a new President who is more to your liking. But then what?
I fervently "hope" that President Obama will one day (soon) sign an Executive Order to lock your goofy ass up in an insane asylum.

I further "hope" that once Mr. President has locked your goofy ass up, he will then throw away the key (preferably in the same general area where OBL now sleeps with the fishes).

That would be an effective use of "Hope and Change!" Originally Posted by bigtex

Talk about the Left and their endgame. Odumbo locking people up with opposing viewpoints is definitely the next Executive Order that will be signed. Damn, BT read my mind.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

Glad you're in Mississippi.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Talk about the Left and their endgame. Odumbo locking people up with opposing viewpoints is definitely the next Executive Order that will be signed. Damn, BT read my mind. Originally Posted by slim deez
He doesn't need an EO for that. The NDAA already gives him that authority.
Talk about the Left and their endgame. Odumbo locking people up with opposing viewpoints is definitely the next Executive Order that will be signed. Damn, BT read my mind. Originally Posted by slim deez

so he did that already to the maker of the video he blamed for Benghazi but that was as cover

but now Dinesh D'Souza, talk about political retribution
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-18-2014, 12:49 PM
the only opportunity that shines through is the opportunity for total idiots to stand in the spotlight for a few seconds and showcase their stupidity by making inane/tough-ish comments about yet another irrelevant non issue.

shit like this thread is why the republican party exists, and why they cant find a credible opponent to run against Hillary ... they're sooooooo fucked they're too stupid to know much less care.

continue girls ....