Bye bye SXSW!!

Omg so glad its over!!! Still paid out the ass for room tonight but back to normal next week!!
Yes bye bye i am tired of the idiots on the roads
My family vows to never ever come visit me during SWSW!! They asked if I was playing some cruel joke on them. I will be glad to have our city back....until the next huge event.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
Oh we don't have long to wait. One week of rest, then hello Texas Relays. This month is my least favorite time to be in Austin.
Pitfall's Avatar
I love the music and I love SXSW but the crowds have finally reached the point of being a bummer for me. This year I solved the problem by hosting a house show. Quality bands came to play at my house to me and my friends and were happy to do so. Win-win.
Centaur's Avatar
SXSW has been a blast each year I went to events, but you know it's overflowing when our airport adds international flights just for the festival. Still, it's not our equivalent of the leafers that are killing the city; it's the half-million yuppies who suddenly decided to move here in the last five years because magazines and websites told them it was the hip place to be. Sure, I understand the draw, but please leave your tax-subsidized toll-roads and Starbucks behind! At this rate we'll be another Dallas in a decade and a half. *sigh* /ineffectual rant over
Bye bye SXSW, hello Sashasmith512 lol
nuglet's Avatar
Agreed!!! Enough already!!! I think the rules will get changed by next year.. too much trouble and too much alcohol.. I'm a fan of drinking, but having a dumbass rapper start a riot intentionally, and the bozo that committed 3 homicides via vehicle, will lead to some changes, no doubt..
Good posts, I agree with pretty much everything. The event overall could use some improved organization across the board... And Metrorail parking by Thursday and Friday really f'n sucked. It would have helped to have some direction by Metrorail personnel with overflow parking at the Lakeline and Howard stations, but instead commuters ended up parking in places where you could possibly very well be screwed with parking ticket/vehicle towed. Very disappointing.
sue_nami's Avatar
I had a blast and think it is good clean tourist dollars infusing our city with lots of money, energy and fun. I partied every day and think it is a great thing to have in our city. Can't wait till next year!
nativetexan2708's Avatar
I spend as much time out o town as possible during SXSW. I hate it. Texas Relays is worse but it only lasts the weekend.
Agree 100%. Glad to catch you prior, will have to have fun again in the future when you aren't in the same place with all the out of town traffic.
sunspots's Avatar
That is the last time im doing sxsw.... I am going on vacation out of town next yea
r instead