
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Any gamers on here? I play WOW (well off and on), Guild Wars 2, talisman, Zombies,zombies,zombies, and various other board and card games. Just interested to see if any other players out there. Would love to chat.
Also, love to chat/debate favorite comic book heroes, Star Trek, Star Wars, Sliders other sci/fi stuff.

actionjackson647's Avatar
whats your opinion on ren faires?
I mostly play WOW been on it for 9 years now.
Schmafty's Avatar
Checking in. I ran the gamut of MMOs for a while, but nowadays just stop in every now and then. Trying to get through my Steam library at the moment. I think that Batman would beat Superman in a fight, I prefer Picard to Kirk, and always believe that Han shot first.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar you prefer horde or alliance in WOW. When I first started playing i stuck with alliance but then I started an orc and I pretty much stick to horde now.

I can never decide between Kirk and Picard; I love both. I however love Leonard Nimory/Spock. I think he's the best along with Scotty.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I also think Batman would beat Superman. I have always preferred Black to the blue/red suit. LOL.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
I am not familiar with ren fairies will have to look that one up.
Ive played WoW off and on since cata, kinda bored of it now, right now playing SWTOR "Star Wars:The Old Republic" its set in a star wars universe about 1000 years before Phantom Menace. Think WoW with Star Wars Theme, although, it does has lots of differences!
I play WOW, though not much lately . I've also tried Batman.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
TS how do you like the Star Wars Game? Been thinking about playing it. KInda childish but Lego STar Wars isn't too bad.
Big mmo player played EQ2,EQOA,LOTRO,Matrix Online and yes WOW
Ive played wow since Vanilla days and up to the pandas ever since lich king ive prefered my DK (horde Blood elf).
Kinda sick of wow havent played in about 6mon more into consoles now im currently playing Skyrim the game is amazing.
Also played all the Arkham batman games and deadspace as well also Mass Effect is great....
And yeah Supes would totally kick batmans ass all he has to do is hit him once and hes through a bulding lol no match worlds greatest detective against basically a god.
Now a better fight would be Thor and Supes that would be fun to watch hehe
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I think that Batman would beat Superman in a fight, I prefer Picard to Kirk, and always believe that Han shot first. Originally Posted by Schmafty
Yeah, but would Aquaman beat Prince Namor, the Submariner? Is Kirk even worthy o' eatin a lukewarm bag o' Jonathan Archer's leftover fuck? An' why wuld Jabba give a shit 'bout puttin' Leia in a slave girl outfit when his whole body was one big ol' floppy titty and his arms wuz so short thet a T-Rex would have a better chance' o' reachin' its dick than he wuld under all thet lard. Kin yew imagine the 'mount o' smegma unner all them folds o' fat? Why Ah bet yew culdn't tell Jabba's hard-on frum a big ol' boil!
I prefer Horde have been playing a Troll Fire Mage as my Main for most of the time.
TS how do you like the Star Wars Game? Been thinking about playing it. KInda childish but Lego STar Wars isn't too bad. Originally Posted by Victoria Columbari
SWToR is GREAT! It does differ alot from WoW in the aspect of "storyline", lots of different options depending on whether your "light" or "dark" side, you can be either of those, on either "faction" Republic" or "Empire", its not just Republic/Light or Empire/Dark, for instance you can be a dark Jedi and still be "the good guys" and vice versa, you can be a sith/evil and be "light side", also its growing and expanding with each update, in the last few months 2-3 whole new planets have been introduced and lots more "battlegrounds/instances" (wow terms). They have a "free to play" version and its ok, but really worth it to have a paid subscription!
Schmafty's Avatar
Yeah, but would Aquaman beat Prince Namor, the Submariner? Is Kirk even worthy o' eatin a lukewarm bag o' Jonathan Archer's leftover fuck? An' why wuld Jabba give a shit 'bout puttin' Leia in a slave girl outfit when his whole body was one big ol' floppy titty... Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
#1) Hells yeah. Aquaman has a trident that stabs people in the neck and, presumably, launches fish. Namor only has a speedo that contains what is likely the world's least impressive moose-knuckle.

#2) Would you believe I've never seen an episode of Enterprise? Now, worthy of the leftovers from Sterling Archer? Jury's still out...

#3) Maybe it was Leia's job to clean out from under all the folds, so she stripped down to her golden underthings so that she wouldn't get her clothes all... smegma-y.

I prefer Horde have been playing a Troll Fire Mage as my Main for most of the time. Originally Posted by mgohara
I had a couple of characters on both sides when I played WoW, but I ended up playing my Horde side guys most, too. And now that I think about it, when given a choice, I've always kind of ended up playing the "bad guy" side more. Not sure what that says about me...

SWToR is GREAT! Originally Posted by TSKrystiKakes
I haven't played SWToR, but I did used to enjoy playing Star Wars Galaxies back in the day. Sadly, it's been shutdown for a while now.