Utah passes abstinence-only sex ed bill, prohibits discussion of homosexuality, contraception

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The Utah legislaturehas passed an abstinence only sex education bill stressing sex should only happen between married, straight couples. They think the best place for Utah students to learn about any other kind of sex is from each other their parents.
Discussions on contraception and homosexuality are banned even if the student asks about it. They think comprehensive sex ed is best left for camp cabins at home with their parents.
Republican state Sen. Stuart Reid says,"To replace the parent in the school setting, among people who we have no idea what their morals are, we have no ideas what their values are, yet we turn our children over to them to instruct them in the most sensitive sexual activities in their lives, I think is wrongheaded."
Reid thinks that Utah students from the 8th to 12th grade should discuss their most sensitive sexual activities with anyone but their parents.
Some lawmakers are speaking out. Republican Rep. Francis Gibson says, "I would hope as we make this decision, that we won't think if we say abstinence only, that fairy dust will have been sprinkled and that teen pregnancy will no longer be a problem."
He says that the abstinence only curriculum aren’t producing results in terms of lowering STD’s or teen pregnancy rates. Democratic Sen. Gene Davis voted against the bill saying, "I believe knowledge is the most important aspect in anyone's lives. A child needs the right and correct answer."
The bill, HB363, passed through the senate with a vote 19 to 10 and is headed for Governor Gary Herber’s desk.
Maybe if we just don’t talk about him signing it he just won’t do it. Yeah, that makes sense.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 02:16 PM
nothing like the do-gooders government telling people how to live, then bitching about governent telling them how to live.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Republican Rep. Francis Gibson says, "I would hope as we make this decision, that we won't think if we say abstinence only, that fairy dust will have been sprinkled and that teen pregnancy will no longer be a problem."
He says that the abstinence only curriculum aren’t producing results in terms of lowering STD’s or teen pregnancy rates. Democratic Sen. Gene Davis voted against the bill saying, "I believe knowledge is the most important aspect in anyone's lives. A child needs the right and correct answer."
Bingo. Abstinence only "sex education" will never work for anything other than probably increasing the amount teens have sex without condoms.
Bingo. Abstinence only "sex education" will never work for anything other than probably increasing the amount teens have sex without condoms. Originally Posted by Missy Mariposa
Probably? No probably to it. Teen pregnancies will go up too. When will people learn, you can't legislate morals.

Thanks for the post GP.
It amazes me at some of these people in office who do these utterly stupid things. I shake my head when I read this stuff.

It makes me think about my own daughter and son who at a very early age had sex ed in school and then me talking openly about sex to my kids. When my daughter was 12 she asked for birth control. I took her to the gyno and got her on them and gave her two boxes of condoms..lol I would say both my children have been very responsible about sex. Now when I compare that to my niece's and nephews who were raised by their parents, (very religious folks) two of which were home schooled and whose parents felt teaching abstinence was better than talking candidly to their kids about sex, my niece ended up pregnant and unwed at the age of 18 and now is on welfare. My nephew got a girl pregnant at 17 and he also contracted an STD which he only felt comfortable enough to come to me and talk about and I took him to the dr. got him the prescriptions and I also gave him condoms. But boy did I get blasted by his parents (my brother especially) about it.

Folks kids are gonna have sex, and they are going to sexually experiment at an early age. Its going to happen. So better to arm them with education about sex. The school is a great place to do this (especially since there are so many inept parents out there who don't take responsibility for teaching this stuff to their own kids).

My kids are both an example of giving good sex education in the schools because neither has had problems with STD's or pregnancies and are very responsible. I owe that to a consorted effort between me and the school teaching what they need to know to keep them safe. Anyway off my rant.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Probably? No probably to it. Teen pregnancies will go up too. When will people learn, you can't legislate morals.

Thanks for the post GP.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
You are correct, morals can't be legislated. . . nor should they be taught in school. Abstinence, condoms, etc. have nothing to do with what the schools are supposed to be teaching.

If we eliminate all of the social engineering and athletic crap from the curricula maybe, just maybe we'd start seeing graduates who are actually literate and can comprehend the science and technology our society depends on.

Contrary to what the Hildabeast said, it doesn't "take a village" to raise a child, it takes parents. Maybe if the parents were forced to pay all of the bills of those teen mothers instead of the state, they'd pay a little more attention.

To put it bluntly, the schools' job is teach kids how to read, not how to breed.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is silly. Reproduction in schools should only be taught as a science, along with contraception, so kids will understand what's going on when politicians try to use it as weapon. Schools should leave the moral judgment and consequences out of it. (Moral consequences, not physical consequences) These people are loons. I like the way GP said it opened a conversation between her and her children. That's the way it should be.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-09-2012, 03:56 PM
Jesus maybe we should just do away with public schools altogether! You do not want to teach kids about how to prevent teen preggo....you do not want to teach them evolution....wtf just teach your kid math and reading and quit making me pay to school your bastards kids!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-09-2012, 03:59 PM
Jesus maybe we should just do away with public schools altogether! You do not want to teach kids about how to prevent teen preggo....you do not want to teach them evolution....wtf just teach your kid math and reading and quit making me pay to school your bastards kids! Originally Posted by WTF

Santorum, is that you?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus maybe we should just do away with public schools altogether! You do not want to teach kids about how to prevent teen preggo....you do not want to teach them evolution....wtf just teach your kid math and reading and quit making me pay to school your bastards kids! Originally Posted by WTF
You and your strawmen. Who said anything about evolution? Quit making stuff up. Also, I didn't call for the end of public education either. You are quite delusional, my friend. See a doctor.

I expect pregnancies and std's to rise, not talking about it won't keep bad tings from happening. Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to protect your sexual health.
You are correct, morals can't be legislated. . . nor should they be taught in school. Abstinence, condoms, etc. have nothing to do with what the schools are supposed to be teaching.

If we eliminate all of the social engineering and athletic crap from the curricula maybe, just maybe we'd start seeing graduates who are actually literate and can comprehend the science and technology our society depends on.

Contrary to what the Hildabeast said, it doesn't "take a village" to raise a child, it takes parents. Maybe if the parents were forced to pay all of the bills of those teen mothers instead of the state, they'd pay a little more attention.

To put it bluntly, the schools' job is teach kids how to read, not how to breed. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Very well said!
Santorum, is that you?

Originally Posted by CJ7
You do not have a clue. WTF.
I expect pregnancies and std's to rise, not talking about it won't keep bad tings from happening. Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to protect your sexual health. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Perfectly stated, Skylar. At one time, during its Southwest Conference days, Baylor (formerly called Baylor Baptist College and then University) had the highest percentage of unwed pregnancies in the conference.

You are correct, morals can't be legislated. . . nor should they be taught in school. Abstinence, condoms, etc. have nothing to do with what the schools are supposed to be teaching. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

I disagree. Sex education has nothing to do with morals.

To put it bluntly, the schools' job is teach kids how to read, not how to breed. Originally Posted by Iaintliein

When younger siblings are exposed to hearsay from other students, they have questions and need information at younger ages than parents may think. Even parents aren't aware when some children might think they have enough "information" to act. Also, some parents may not have a wealth of information on the latest STD's and risks.

Sex education is like Driver's Ed.

Sooner or later, everybody's gonna get behind the wheel and try it. You may as well have them equipped with the fewest urban legends and the most factual input they can acquire.

I agree, Iaintliein, that parents should do their part but let's face it, some parents had those kids using the "rhythm method" for "birth control"!

I'd lots rather have my kids get fairly "sterile" info from a textbook than learn by experimenting based on what a friend told them - especially when an older male student and a younger or even underage female are the participants.

Teaching them right and wrong doesn't mean that we should hide relevant biology from them until they are out of school.

Skylar is right as is Guilty Pleasures.