Swinger Clubs

Iliketacos's Avatar
Hello Houston,

Has anyone in this community ever been to a swinger club here in Houston?

Is there one you would recommend for a single man 35 years old?

What was the experience like? What are the people like? What do they look like?

used to go to them with a lady friend. if you a single guy be prepared to be treated like a leper & pay a huge entry fee. Either bring a lady so you go as a couple or if you go you will get a cold shoulder
kerwil62's Avatar
Yep, best to have a lady with you if you go.

Every time I went I went as a single guy. You can’t go into any private room unless invited by a couple. Your cover charge will be high as fuck, and management will be quick to throw your ass out if you do anything wrong. Even though I’ve been lucky about 15% of all the times I’ve been going, I remember one time I went and was standing in a hallway with a few single guys. This buttnaked chick walks by us, looks us down and said “Sucks to be y’all.” I told myself I need to stop going to these spots.
KellyKiss's Avatar
I went to one many moons ago in Houston I believe it was private because there wasn’t many people like other swinger clubs I’ve been to. It was a nicer one, of course had the tvs and swings. The people attending were working people probably more on the white collar side. I don’t know the name of the club but I’ll never forget there was a lady and a guy on a swing.. I should probably save this story for private time lol.
DoubleEagle's Avatar
Can’t be a swinger club if there are no swings. JMO
BlueManGroup89's Avatar
I want to go!
I have to several of them. Lots of fun.

I love fucking married chicks.
Italia DiBella's Avatar
Because I've been asked & curious
DoubleEagle's Avatar
You would be a gd partner.
Colettes, is very nice. Half the people watch and half participate. Middle aged and up, is most of the clientele.
I agree with those who recommend bringing a woman partner along. In the Eighties, I knew a guy who was involved in producing a local swinger’s publication. (No internet, as we now know it, back then.) Some time, in the early/mid Nineties, I finally went to a swingers’ club, as a single male. No action. Later, about 1996, I started dating a woman who had previously been at least minimally involved, as the second woman, with at least one couple, and seemed to know more about swinging than she was willing to admit. She was able to update my knowledge base, as of that time, but, I am sure things have changed, since then. I never went to a swingers’ club with her, but, she certainly had an exhibitionist streak, loving to “feel the breeze” ALL the way up her legs and ass, while discreetly bottomless, in public, and I got some discreet CIM NQNS blowjobs in some amazingly public places. We would have been a perfect couple for visiting swinger clubs and events. (Alas, I was a single dad, at the time, of an 11/12-year-old, and she did not feel qualified to be a stepmom, so, we amicably parted ways.)

In hindsight, I wish that I would have asked her to get me acquainted with the local swinging community, before we completely parted ways. (We did not “break up,” but simply reached a rational decision.) The biggest hurdle that a single male has is to become acquainted with couples. She was certainly exhibitionist enough to be comfortable being totally naked in public, and we were nicely physically attractive, at the time, plus, I still had plenty of staying power, so just one or two visits to a club, with her, could have gotten me on the inside of the “community.”
It is not a “club,” but, there is some swinger activity at some remote beaches. Here is a discussion board, for activity at the beach between High Island and Sabine Pass. One does need to pay attention to the tide times, and, it is best to have 4-wheel-drive, along with knowledge of how to drive on sand. This site seems to have a gay bias, but some few participants are couples.


Using too-explicit language can cause the site to be locked. A companion site, specifically for heterosexual couples, was permanently removed, because explicit description of activities were being posted.

This is the beach favored by my 1996-1997 girlfriend, described in an earlier post.

Keep in mind that total public nudity, and public lewd conduct, is NOT legal. If within the boundaries of the National Wildlife Refuge, the rangers/wardens WILL cite or arrest folks.