Escort Site Features

Dear Treasured Smoking Hot Providers and Fellow Hideous Shunt Clients,

I'm curious what you like about eccie, in particular. What do you prefer about it over other escort sites? What do other sites do better? What features are all escort sites lacking?

I've got some ideas of my own:

1. Host it somewhere that doesn't respect US subpoena power.
2. Encryption
3. A safer, more discrete way to match up providers and clients
4. Booking/scheduling (on an encrypted, beyond-subpeona host) so all your records aren't on your phone for any cop in the world to find.
5. A bunch of stuff I can't think of right now.

What would you like to see in the most powerful escort site in the galaxy?
i love everything about this site. Everything from being informed on alerts, the stimulating conversation in coed as well as the fun topics in the sandbox!
Dear Treasured Smoking Hot Providers and Fellow Hideous Shunt Clients,

I'm curious what you like about eccie, in particular. What do you prefer about it over other escort sites? What do other sites do better? What features are all escort sites lacking?

I've got some ideas of my own:

1. Host it somewhere that doesn't respect US subpoena power.
2. Encryption
3. A safer, more discrete way to match up providers and clients
4. Booking/scheduling (on an encrypted, beyond-subpeona host) so all your records aren't on your phone for any cop in the world to find.
5. A bunch of stuff I can't think of right now.

What would you like to see in the most powerful escort site in the galaxy? Originally Posted by clusterlizard
Sounds like you're describing P411.
Simply being located in Canada doesn't necessarily make a company's data immune from US subpoena. Canadian ISPs are going to be more likely than some others to honor a subpoena request from the States.

But at least p411, unlike eccie, uses ssl.
I would like to see ECCIE cooridnate with ACME Co. to install rubber mallets that will pop out of a user's computer monitor and bonk them on the head when they post something stupid.
SOF, I like your idea....unfortunately I think ACME would quickly have to start a regular replacement program of their worn out rubber mallets. Thus passing the extra cost to Eccie, and in turn Eccie having to pass the costs to members. Then the resulting price increase of membership would be out of reach to a number members. Heck Eccie would probably
need to even past some of the extra costs to "review membership individuals...further driving down the membership.

Hey, wait a minute....maybe that was the master plan you had to begin with!!!!

Slick, SOF, very slick, lol
ElumEno's Avatar
Damn is that why I keep getting all these darn headaches?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I would like to see ECCIE cooridnate with ACME Co. to install rubber mallets that will pop out of a user's computer monitor and bonk them on the head when they post something stupid. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Damn, SOTF, that hurts!

Here I thought you liked me!
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Good thing I have ninja-like reflexes