Is anyone else spending Christams alone?

I'm not looking for sympathy; I'm just wondering if I'm the only one. I don't have kids, I'm not in a relationship and about the only family I have anymore is my brother who spends the holidays with his in-laws so I'm usually on my own.

It used to be my favorite holiday, but now it kind of gets me down. I've had a few friends invite me over to their place a couple of times, but it gets old being the out of place, charity case on the couch so I've quit going, and they've mostly quit asking.

I know loneliness is somewhat rampant for people on both sides of this hobby so I was just wondering if anyone else spends their holidays by themselves.

Luvdatpuddy's Avatar
I do as well, but my viewpoint on Christmas is a bit different - it doesn't get me down anymore...I have just developed an intense dislike of the holiday. And that has nothing to do with spending it alone or not - no, my dislike comes from the commercialism, Black Friday tramplings/fights/manslaughter (some years), and the notion that no matter what you do, it isn't good enough, and must be topped next year. Then, there is the prevalent "It's a Wonderful Life" imagery that surrounds it, which makes people think that if their life doesn't fit society's mold for Christmas that there must be something wrong with their life (leading to the ever "popular" Christmas/New Year's depression that many face).

Personally, my go-to holiday is Thanksgiving - friends, family, up, be welcome, be happy, no presents needed or expected (maybe bring a dessert). Even if I spend it alone (as I did this year), I make a turkey anyway, and give most of it to my girls (two labradors). Even in those kind of "down years", I'm still thankful for all that I have (roof over my head, food on the table, and a chance to relax and count my other blessings).

Don't even get me started on Valentine's Day...that one is strictly for the ladies. When guy's get a "Steak and Blowjob Day" sometime in March, I might start respecting Valentine's Day.
LMAO at steak and bj day hahaha. Yea this will likely be my first christmas alone, anyone wanna get wasted and have a christmas GB party? woo hoo! Any takers? Yall can even have steak! Ill have tube steak thanks
growing up with an raging alcoholic father, uncle, cousins, etc..., my Holidays always ended in a drunken argument over something stupid. As a child you did not understand it. It made me hate drunks, which I still do!!! give me a stoner or pill popper any day!!, I cannot and will not be around anyone who drinks and gets drunk!!!!!!!
I can certainly understand why you would prefer Thanksgiving, but for me it's kind of the same as Christmas. I've spent all the holidays alone in front of the t.v. or at work picking up some overtime for the past few years. I know I have plenty to be thankful for, and I don't begrudge anyone a happy holiday it just stings to watch everyone else hurrying off to spend time with their family and feeling left out.

I've quit making a turkey, putting up a tree or anything else festive. A couple of years ago my brother recommended we quit giving each other gifts because he has so many others (including his kids) to buy for this time of year. So I haven't given or received a Christmas gift in the past couple of years. It's a small thing, and it doesn't really compare to what the guys at the homeless shelters are feeling, but it doesn't exactly add to my love of the season.

Oh well, I've whined enough, I was just feeling sort of left out, and I was wondering if I was the only one.
nuglet's Avatar
I'm with you guys on the "spirit of the season". I'm not alone, but Xmas quit being "fun" a long time ago. Usually my wife and I go to a movie or some swinger event (yes there are some). We don't even do the "gift thing" anymore for exactly the reasons that LUVdatpuddy said. We, my wife and I, just use it as an excuse to buy that gadget or geegaw that has no way to justify except it's that time of year.. Besides, this is the season that all the "once a year" junk comes out that you suddenly discover you just can't live without. Home Depot and Lowes should have a "Tool man" afternoon for Xmas guys.
universalenergy's Avatar
I travel a lot working but I try and visit with family and friends during the Holidays if I am in town. It is difficult especially if you have no where to go. Last Christmas I was out of state working and had left over Chinese food in my hotel on Christmas day and then went and saw a movie. A theatre is about the only thing open.

This is the first year I have experienced some Holiday blues, so I know how it is to be surrounded by people and not feel right.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-11-2013, 10:56 PM
Off and on over the past 13 years I've had a few where I was on my own. Like some here I'd reflect on the simpler times before it became a business. Six years ago I found myself alone in Baltimore and decided to do a spin-off of The Night Before Christmas with one of my close Providers. Worked up a slide show with pics of her after bastardizing the original story. Pics weren't the greatest with the crappy camera I had then but it kept me busy for a few days. The following is the story... minus pics.

The Holiday Fantasy of an Old Guy!

By “Loxly”

T'was a night before Christmas, unlike any before.
(For the last 10 years they’ve been quite a bore.)

The party I’d left had really gone dead.
So back to my hotel, and the mint on my bed.

I emptied the Bourbon, killed off the Gin,
And figured it was time to just settle in.

The gift Santa Sock, now empty and bare,
Lay draped on the sofa, next to the chair.

I was soon dozing off in the glare of TV,
Not noting the stocking, or the activity.

In my half-sleep I stirred then heard a faint sigh
And turning my head I opened one eye.

I glanced at my stocking, and there seemed to appear
A great pair of legs and a perfect round rear.

She had a red see-through top with white furry trim
Red stockings, garters and a thong… (Very thin!)

Adjusting her hat she spoke with a grin,
“Hope you’re not disappointed, by me dropping in.

That gag note you gave to the guy at the mall?,
WAS the real Santa. Not a fake, not at all!

But there’s no blow-up dolls, they’re all out of stock.
So Santa put ME in your big Christmas Sock.

And we’ve only an hour for some holiday fun.
That’s all there is, then I’ve got to run.

So let’s get going, I came her to please!”
And with that moved forward, and then fell to her knees.

She spoke no more words but went straight to her work.
My briefs coming down with a quick well-training jerk.

The length of my shaft she grazed light with her teeth,
Then surrounded the head with her lips, like a wreath.

As the ball on her tongue made lap after lap,
I knew in a moment that I’d soon blow my sap.

So backing away I fell into the chair
To rest and review this gift standing there.

From her twinkling eyes and luscious red lips,
My eyes wandered down to her breasts and pink nips.

Though veiled in sheer red they were not hard to see.
All firm, erect and just waiting for me.

She took off her garters and undid her top.
Stopping just for a moment to watch my jaw drop.

“You’d better get going ‘cause this night isn’t through”,
Then fingering her thong said, “You know what to do!”

From the rug on the floor and against every wall,
Cowgirl and Doggie, Yeah. We did it all!

Exhausted and drained I flopped back on the bed
The events of this night spinning ‘round in my head.

She picked up her garters and put on her top.
If I wasn’t half-dead I’d have asked her to stop.

But with a pat on my cheek and a kiss on my ear,
She started to fade and to then disappear.

I guess in the end I did get my wish.
Most times I have trouble just getting past “MISH”.

But everything “clicked” and seemed just so right.
With this very special, “Hobby” Christmas night!

GneissGuy's Avatar
My loved ones and I had sort of degenerated into exchanging gift cards.

It reminds me of Dilbert's mom saying "It's like money but less versatile."

This year, I suggested we all just buy ourselves something nice and tell each other what they bought us. We'll see how it works out.
This year, I suggested we all just buy ourselves something nice and tell each other what they bought us. We'll see how it works out. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
This approach has worked pretty well for my family.
Loxly, that was great, thanks!
I just tell myself Christmas is for the kiddos it just another day.