Who is doing virtual adventures during sheltering?

lovingcamela's Avatar
I’m just curious what platforms ladies might be using if they decided to do virtual work such as virtual dates or making videos? Personally I am a having a blast making videos. I’m not sure I can announce it hear, but y’all can PM me for it.
Pangolier's Avatar
A couple of my established providers have texted and solicited by business for Skype sessions. I had to politely decline. A well renowned network is now suggesting Facetime and private phone calls. I'm sure there are numerous video conferencing software services out there. Whatsapp and Zoom come to mind as well.

Personally, if it doesn't involve a physical connection, I'm not interested in paying money for it. I can always call a friend and chat for free, male or female. And I've never gone to a strip club once in my life. But, I understand where they are coming from, they are just trying to make an honest living.
lovingcamela's Avatar
I have a couple of skype requests. They definitely will be cheaper than in person. Making videos is fun, but one needs a lot of videos to really make anything. For example I did my first web cam today. I made a dollar fifty by cooking topless and flirting. It makes me appreciate the effort it takes to do online work. It’s definitely a different realm.
Gotyour6's Avatar
My girl and I woulds make 700 on a saturday morning doing webcam

Daddy/daughter was a favorite

It was fun but exhausting
I planned on setting up for sessions like this. I think it would be fun!! Something different!
I am!!!
ClaireBarsett's Avatar
I'm doing personal videos and pictures (now) on top of seeing regulars EDITED: I'm sorry, I should also stay on topic and mention that yes, I am doing voice and video calls

Staff Edit - Image Violation - Images Removed - Biomed1

The gentleman in this gif is DevDoc I asked and was given permission to share with ya'll!
ICU 812's Avatar
My recollection is that phone sex is as old as the late 1970s. Not much there for me. Those 900 number calls were hugely expensive for just dirty talk . . .I think they would still be a non-starter for me.

Live video voyurism has been around since the mid 1990s. Like dirty talk for pay, not worth my time.

As Chance the Gardner put it, if I want to "just watch", there is a whole wold of free porn out there . . .and sometimes I do. Other times I just lean back in my recliner and close my eyes.

I am in a vulnerable or high risk group for infection by the Chinese virus due to age (69) and hypertension. Because of this, I avoid groups and close company. I would dearly love to enjoy the intimate company of a beautiful woman half my age again . . .but not now.
I remember the 900#. VHS porn videos used to advise at the beginning. Sometimes the ads were more action oriented than the actual porn video. There were a few 900# numbers that hired local women where they advertised. The 900# workers would need to keep you on the line for a certain time, then could give you their address. You would come to an agreement with the lady on price and sessioned together.

I just remember when the phone bill came and found out the charge was $79 just for the phone call. I paid it, but never again was I willing to call another 900#.
I remember calling a 900 number once. I was in college, and drunk. Wasn't worth it, especially after I got the phone bill.