Peter Navarro- Go to $200

eyecu2's Avatar
Oops it looks like Peter Navarro FAFO'.

CLAIMING HE HAD PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY, when he didn't of course Peter Navarro will be looking at doing a stretch of 4 months for defying a congressional subpoena. Interesting that I don't think Fox News covered any of it, nor did newsmax or OAN. I doubt will hear anything from Breitbart either.

The people who protect Donald Trump go to jail - we just need more of them to get there.
... Peter Navarro - stays out of jail - Pending appeal.

Interesting that... They all mentioned it...

... But thanks... For the mis-information.

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You are not a victim.

eyecu2's Avatar
... Peter Navarro - stays out of jail - Pending appeal.

Interesting that... They all mentioned it...

... But thanks... For the mis-information.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
thanks Salty- I can count on you for looking at FOX till they mention it with the caveat of it being pending appeal. Weren't you the guy who wanted Hunter to go to jail too for the subpoena issues??? I guess only when it's the other side is jail time good!!

But of course Douchebag Navarro is going to appeal; as would anyone getting that sentence. If Trumpy gets elected, he may not do any time at all- via a pardon- as well as the rest of the MOB on Jan 6....but....If he doesn't though-

It's gonna be the longest 4 months in his entire life- As Red in Shawshank redemption said it best ""I’ve had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade." - Red"
... Prolly get "house arrest" anyway, mate.
And that's onley IF his appeal fails.

... This ain't Hollywood... Why mention a film??

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
Weren't you the guy who wanted Hunter to go to jail too for the subpoena issues??? I guess only when it's the other side is jail time good!! Originally Posted by eyecu2
There you go again...

Nobody said Hunter should go to jail for this. Only that if he defies a House subpoena like Bannon and Navarro, they all should be treated alike.
eyecu2's Avatar
Bannon needs to be in jail too. Further he faces fines and a may court case for fraud. Seems like that word follows Trump synchophants everywhere they go. Steve Bannon is going to meet his fair share of legal troubles also despite Trump giving him a pardon. These presidential pardons need to be vetted better - it seems as though it's an abused privilege but because it's been given by some POTUS that do it for obfuscation purposes vs. wrongful prosecution.

It would be great if both Peter and Steve went to jail the same time - along with dear leader. Legal issues like subpoenas, and breaking the law need accountability. Then maybe Americans will start thinking that the legal system isn't just for the low or middle class, vs political leanings.

Rich people who control the system, and can afford attorneys to continue to appeal and appeal after appeal, are the only ones that win. And even they lose because it costs so much money - but that's the only thing they have to keep them out of jail. That's for Republicans or Democrats.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
There you go again...

Nobody said Hunter should go to jail for this. Only that if he defies a House subpoena like Bannon and Navarro, they all should be treated alike. Originally Posted by lustylad

. . . Jim Jordan . . .
eyecu2's Avatar
. . . Jim Jordan . . . Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Same jail cell that Epstein was in ..thanks in advance
Same jail cell that Epstein was in ..thanks in advance Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Why would you want Jim Jordan in the same cell
as Epstein was?

#### Salty
eccieuser9500's Avatar
... Why would you want Jim Jordan in the same cell
as Epstein was?

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I think the same "guards" still "work" there.
... Hmmmm... Doesn't answer me question.

#### Salty