
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Seems like Romney is not only being presumptuous, but he's also trying to lower expectations.

Yeah, that should win him more votes.

Every President has traditionally had 100 days to show what he can do, but Romney wants twice that amount of time.

. . . That's all we need. Someone who wants more, but promises less!
Seems like Romney is not only being presumptuous, but he's also trying to lower expectations.

Yeah, that should win him more votes.

Every President has traditionally had 100 days to show what he can do, but Romney wants twice that amount of time.

. . . That's all we need. Someone who wants more, but promises less! Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Romney has promised less? As of yet, he has yet to promise anything other than a lick and a promise. Except of course that he agreed with most of President Obama's foreign policy initiatives after disagreeing with those same initiatives during the primary's.

How many of the Right Wing Tea-Nuts know how to spell flip flop?
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  • 10-26-2012, 08:37 AM

How many of the Right Wing Tea-Nuts know how to spell flip flop? Originally Posted by bigtex
All of'em did in 2004!

None now
Romney has promised less? As of yet, he has yet to promise anything other than a lick and a promise. Except of course that he agreed with most of President Obama's foreign policy initiatives after disagreeing with those same initiatives during the primary's.

How many of the Right Wing Tea-Nuts know how to spell flip flop? Originally Posted by bigtex
Thats the best stratedgy. Don't promise nothing, cause you won't make good on it anyway. Unlike Obama who was making silly promises and not making anything happen. He just blamed Bush for all his short commings.
Thats the best stratedgy. Don't promise nothing, cause you won't make good on it anyway. Unlike Obama who was making silly promises and not making anything happen. He just blamed Bush for all his short commings. Originally Posted by acp5762
Romney's problem is not that he has promised nothing. He promised the Tea Nuts quite a bit in an effort to get their support in the primary's. He now has a completely different set of promises for the Indy's, since he has reeled in those ignorant Tea Nuts. (hook, line and sinker)
Romney's problem is not that he has promised nothing. He promised the Tea Nuts quite a bit in an effort to get their support in the primary's. He now has a completely different set of promises for the Indy's, since he has reeled in those ignorant Tea Nuts. (hook, line and sinker) Originally Posted by bigtex
First of all making promises to a group like the Tea Party doesn't render that much support. Both Parties are basically corrupt anyway, thats why they both were instrumental at blocking a Lib Candidate from participating in the debates. Neither candidate will make promises they can keep. What you see in Romney and Obama is nothing more than modern day politics. Each individual votes for the less of the two evils, and everyone has their own definition of that.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Someone needs to tell the Mitzer that he first needs to win the election,

before he starts rearranging the furniture and schedules.

. . . He's putting the bayonet before the horse!

I wonder how the Mittster knows which image he is seeing in the mirror. Is he looking at the Far Right Wing Tea-Nut conservative who won the Republican primary. Or the moderate, who agrees with Obama more often than not!

The promises the Mittster makes to each individual group he speaks with is totally dependent upon the answers he believes they want to hear.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Mitt Romney is totally shameless in how he says what the audience wants to hear regardless of what he said the day before.

. . . He must suffer from Romnesia if he thinks people don't notice!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You got examples, FastGoon? Or are you suffering from Obamaroids?
You got examples, FastGoon? Or are you suffering from Obamaroids? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
StupidOldFart, I do not know if this qualifies as an "example" in your restricted universe but this is what the editorial board of the Sacramento daily newspaper had to say this morning about Mitt the Flip Flopper.

    • "Mitt Romney has taken flip-flopping to new extremes. It's not merely that he's moved toward the political center for the general election, or that he's equivocating on a few controversial issues.

      It goes to the core of his presidential campaign - and to trust and character. How can Americans ever believe what he says, or that he'll keep his promises?

      Romney's jaw-dropping willingness to so blithely change his positions for political expediency should also worry voters about how effective he would be in the White House. How could he successfully negotiate with leaders in Congress or around the globe if they can't take him at his word?

      President Barack Obama is rightly trying to focus on this issue in the campaign's final days. On the stump, he's taken to needling his opponent about "Romnesia" - that he can't remember stands he took four days ago, much less four years ago."

Read more here:
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Didn't see any examples there, BigTurd.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I believe it was George Shultz who said it best and said it poetically.

When he said "Credibility is the coin of the realm"

Let the profound wisdom of his words sink in.

. . . Now, tell me if you think Romney has any credibility left after being all over the chart on his positions?
Didn't see any examples there, BigTurd. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Apparently, StupidOldFart did not take the time to read the linked article or he certainly would have known they cited a few examples. Then again, StupidOldFart might not be intelligent enough to simply click on the link. Apparently, following a linked bouncing ball must be a huge stretch for someone as stupid as a StupidOldFart!

That being the case, I will make it easy for StupidOldFart and cut and paste a few of the specific "examples" taken from the Sacramento Bee Editorial Board. (Assuming that StupidOldFart is capable of following a non-linked bouncing ball.)

"The question of who the real Romney is has dogged his candidacy from the start. GOP rival Jon Huntsman once called him "a perfectly lubricated weather vane." The presidential debates highlighted this flaw for all to see.

For instance, on Monday night, Romney endorsed Obama's plan to withdraw nearly all U.S. forces from Afghanistan by the end of 2014. This from the same man who repeatedly blasted the president for announcing a pullout timetable, saying that would only help the Taliban.

In the two earlier debates on domestic issues, Romney presented himself as the moderate Massachusetts governor, not the hard-line conservative he campaigned as while seeking the Republican nomination.

For instance, he earlier supported legislation that would allow employers to refuse to cover birth control in their health plans. But during the town hall forum in New York last week, he declared that he doesn't "believe employers should tell someone whether they have contraceptive care or not."

In the first debate, he claimed that his incredibly vague, trust-me tax plan would not lower taxes paid by high-income Americans, though he has been suggesting the opposite the entire campaign and even though the few proposals he has released such as repealing the estate tax and eliminating most taxes on investment income would reduce the tax burden on the rich.

There are many, many other examples.

Romney is trying to pull off these head-spinning political pirouettes despite the armies of fact checkers in the media. If his deeply cynical strategy succeeds, will it really matter again what candidates promise?

A senior adviser to Romney let the cat out of the bag in March. "I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign. Everything changes," Eric Fehrnstrom told CNN. "It's almost like an Etch A Sketch. You can kind of shake it up, and we start all over again."

Maybe you can get away with that as a candidate. You can't as president."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I believe it was George Shultz who said it best and said it poetically.

When he said "Credibility is the coin of the realm"

Let the profound wisdom of his words sink in.

. . . Now, tell me if you think Romney has any credibility left after being all over the chart on his positions?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Have you done any comparisons of Obama's 2008 campaign promises, and what he actually did? And are you ignoring his blaming of the Benghazi attack on a video and then after two weeks finally telling the truth?