VIDEO: Biden Accuses Romney-Ryan Of $500 TRILLION TAX CUT!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
joe bloe's Avatar
He also said we have 650,000 troups in Afghanistan. The real number is approximately 68,000.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-26-2012, 02:41 PM
I'll be the first to say this Biden news is crushing to the campaign ... theres no end to the damage it wont cause ....
joe bloe's Avatar
I'll be the first to say this Biden news is crushing to the campaign ... theres no end to the damage it wont cause .... Originally Posted by CJ7
Obama has already crushed his chances for re-election. Biden is just comic relief; he makes Dan Quayle look like Einstein.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-26-2012, 03:02 PM
the comic relief is watching idiots dig in the cracks for meaningless things to post ... but then again theyre idiots so why not?
LovingKayla's Avatar
Biden is just comic relief; he makes Dan Quayle look like Einstein. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Oh that's pretty bad. Hahaha.
joe bloe's Avatar
the comic relief is watching idiots dig in the cracks for meaningless things to post ... but then again theyre idiots so why not? Originally Posted by CJ7
Demonstrating that the man, who is a heart beat away from being the most powerful man in the world, is completely incompetent is not meaningless.

The real question is, what sort of person would choose an idiot like Biden for his VP. If, God forbid, Biden ever became president, his stupidity wouldn't be funny any more.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Meaningless? I found it amusing and entertaining and rather telling about the man that is one heartbeat sway from being the next idiot in chief.

It may take four years just to get the stench out of the white house.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-26-2012, 05:34 PM
Demonstrating that the man, who is a heart beat away from being the most powerful man in the world, is completely incompetent is not meaningless.

The real question is, what sort of person would choose an idiot like Biden for his VP. If, God forbid, Biden ever became president, his stupidity wouldn't be funny any more. Originally Posted by joe bloe
shouldnt be a problem for rightwingers ... they elected the biggest moron in history to office not once, but twice ... Helloooooo W !

now condiser why the public in general, has little if any regard for republican intelligence.
Joe at his best. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You find the proof that the Teapublicans didn't vote to cut embassy security spending yet, stupid? Looks like you had more important things to do like catching someone misspeaking and saying trillion instead of billion. Wow! What a GIANT mistake!

You are an IDIOT!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're the one saying they voted to deny security at our consulate. I just thought you had proof. I guess not. Maybe because it didn't happen?
joe bloe's Avatar
shouldnt be a problem for rightwingers ... they elected the biggest moron in history to office not once, but twice ... Helloooooo W !

now condiser why the public in general, has little if any regard for republican intelligence. Originally Posted by CJ7
Bush had better grades in college than Kerry and Gore. He had an MBA from Harvard and was fighter jet pilot. He was a successful governor of the second largest state, winning reelection to a second term with 69% majority. Bush is no moron.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
This administration has prepackaged propaganda to spill out at a moments notice and the media work in lock step with them on it. Once again, propaganda you can believe in.......