New Photography Trend: Vogue Sensuality

I am getting more and more requests for a distinctive look well known to European Escorts. The requests are coming from higher end ladies throughout the States, those who tour and those who realize the value of an investment is unique photos. The look is vogue, artistic & avant garde. As I have received requests from a few escorts in Germany, I am excited about planning a massive Photo Tour to the U.K. in the near future. So I am looking for select clients looking to refine their persona with a more sophisticated look. Anonymity or not showing face is not a problem as shoots would be designed around such. Here are a few examples:
Attached Images File Type: jpg DSC_7361B&WHighContrast.jpg (210.5 KB, 164 views) File Type: jpg DSC_7408.jpg (389.8 KB, 164 views) File Type: jpg TripticWoodMerge.jpg (231.9 KB, 163 views) File Type: jpg DSC_0180.jpg (153.7 KB, 164 views) File Type: jpg DSC_0184Sepia.jpg (196.4 KB, 163 views)
Sorry, I didn't notice the date of the original post.