What Can We Do About When A Hobbyguy Lies

Kieva's Avatar
  • Kieva
  • 04-14-2022, 01:55 PM
This dude lied and said that me and my sister both did BBFS with him which is a lie! If you look at my last review a person comments stated suck lies! So what can we do please
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Yes, we all hate scammers and liars. Unfortunately, there are a few out there that make it bad for everyone, right Kieva?
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
There's nothing in the guidelines that prohibits a Hobbiest or Provider for lying, stretching the truth, or embellishing, nor is there a punishment for lying.

This is an IHRB and everything here is fantasy and made up.

We are not the internet police or home owners association of the IHRB community.

This is a He Said/She Said situation that neither party can prove or disprove. The person who made the post is not in violation of ECCIE guidelines. The only issue is his lack of discretion and should have place the statement in Private Tags out of public view.

All you can do is ignore it and let it disappear. All your post did was announce it to the board for all to check out and make their own opinion.

When OH2 is back up you can report it to CK and have him banned.
iLuvRon-Burgundy's Avatar
What is going on with OH2?
iLuvRon-Burgundy's Avatar
It has been up and down… not in a fun way