Review Session Timeframe

Esteemed mods:

After reading the premium access guide, i failed to locate information regarding that time frame requirement for posting reviews for credit. I had seen a provider 7 weeks ago, and i was not sure if that was recent enough for a credit-worthy review. Needless to say, i remember every detail about the experience.

Is there a time-frame window requirement for reviews and does mine qualify for a review post?

Thanks in advance.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 09-13-2011, 03:08 PM
In the main forum, General Interest, there is an area called "Welcome New Members". Therein is contained a sticky about Premium Access and BCD credit.


Reviews are considered for Premium Access based on filling out each of the fields completely, giving an adequate physical description, and providing sufficient details of the encounter in the Rest of the Story field. Reviews which do not meet the criteria for Premium Access credit can generally be classified into one of the following categories.

1) Duplicate, Misfire, or Incomplete
2) Missing Contact Info
3) Inadequate Physical Description
4) Insufficient details in The Rest of the Story portion of the review
5) Strip Club review with no mention of extras
6) Review posted in "Other Reviews" forum
7) NCNS review (we appreciate the intel, but since no activities took place, no credit can be issued)
8) Review is based on an experience that took place over 30 days ago

Reviews which do not meet the criteria for PA credit will not be removed or labeled by staff in any way, however we do ask that you take note of the criteria so that you may begin to earn credit with future reviews.
Reviews are always encouraged because it helps expand the knowledge of the collective but it is doubtful that details of a 7 week old excursion would earn you credit.

disclaimer: i'm not staff but your question's answer doesn't really require one as it is contained at the bottom of the PA Guide
Mojojo's Avatar
Thank you Rezo
Thanks, embarrassing i overlooked that snippet.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I think it's time for Rezo to receive MOD status?
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 09-13-2011, 09:33 PM
Thanks, embarrassing i overlooked that snippet. Originally Posted by ameriveaux
no biggie, it happens. i'd fall asleep before reading it all too.

I think it's time for Rezo to receive MOD status? Originally Posted by DarthMaul