"Pants On Fire" President

From Politifact, the much loved organization that CNN, CBS, NBC use to bash Palin, Bachman, etal.....

Here is what they think of Obama...


3 pages of False statements. From healthcare to taxes to debt and war; many of the false statements parrotted by the leftie tweekers here on ECCIE.........and it doesn't include three years of gaffes or his many false statements in today's presser.

The Slacker In Chief appears to have pants that are on fire (all the time)...

This guy is either incompetent or a phony. Either way he is driving our country off the cliff.
googol^googol's Avatar
Nah. Nevermind.
drgris's Avatar
What do you expect? Name one president/politician that doesn't have their pants on fire.
I agreed...but you would never know that listening to MSM.....have they ever asked Obama if he was a flake? No

Have they ever questioned him like this...All 3 of these links quote Poltifact as their source; but at the WH presser did they ask Obama about his mis-statements?

Nope. Why? Because they want to keep him elected.


or this....


or this....


Nope !

What do you expect? Name one president/politician that doesn't have their pants on fire. Originally Posted by drgris
"this guy is either incompetent or a phony". How about both.
Rodram's Avatar
From Politifact, the much loved organization that CNN, CBS, NBC use to bash Palin, Bachman, etal.....

Here is what they think of Obama...


3 pages of False statements. From healthcare to taxes to debt and war; many of the false statements parrotted by the leftie tweekers here on ECCIE.........and it doesn't include three years of gaffes or his many false statements in today's presser.

The Slacker In Chief appears to have pants that are on fire (all the time)...

This guy is either incompetent or a phony. Either way he is driving our country off the cliff. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First, if your gonna provide a link to anything don't you think you need to be accurate and truthful?

There are 3 pages not 4 and none of them are pants on fire ratings.

Would you like me to give the Poltifact ratings on any of your Presidential candidates (Palin, Bachmann, McCain, Romney etc.) or your last failure of a President?
HINT: You wont like it
yaddayadda's Avatar
I blame "affirmative action".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
First, if your gonna provide a link to anything don't you think you need to be accurate and truthful?

There are 3 pages not 4 and none of them are pants on fire ratings.

Would you like me to give the Poltifact ratings on any of your Presidential candidates (Palin, Bachmann, McCain, Romney etc.) or your last failure of a President?
HINT: You wont like it Originally Posted by Rodram
Don't worry about it. Here are some. Notice the percentages of lies to truth.

Sa_artman's Avatar
Politifact missed my favorite falsehood by Obama. In Feb 2009, shortly after taking office, Obama promised in a speech to reduce the deficit by half by the end of his term. He then stated that the current deficit was 1.3 trillion.

He was wrong on two counts. First, the actual deficit was only $800 billion. The additional $500B was TARP money, which came in the form of off budget spending, and was a one time payout.

Second, not only has the deficit not been cut, it has increased. Using Obama's phony deficit of $1.3, the deficit has increased by about 15%. Using the correct deficit figure of $800 billion increasing to the $1.6 trillion we have, it is fair to say that Obama has in fact doubled the deficit he promised to cut in half.