Doubles Partner Wanted (Ebony Preferred)

Hi babes! I am in New Orleans and get a lot of requests for a two girl show in the New Orleans area but I unfortunately do not have a go to girl.

If you're interested please send me a Pm and we can go from there. Thank you!
Madame X's Avatar
No one else responded, so I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring

I only visit New Orleans once or twice a year (I just had to skip my usual July trip), but I'd love to meet you if we find ourselves in the city at the same time!

I'll be back in November...

~Mme X~
Lol, thanks babe. I did get quite a few inquiries in my PM from a few beautiful ladies. I will PM you more details. Thanks!
If you get a group together I’m always game for some group fun.
Madame X's Avatar
Awesome! Looking forward to hearing from you.

As for group fun, I do host larger parties (6-10 people total) up here on my home turf, but I hadn't thought of putting anything together in Nola... should I?

~Mme X~
loverlove17's Avatar
You should
Yes!! Bring the party to Nola!!