Need to ask a Lawyer.....

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
I'd like to ask a Texas Board Certified Attorney a curious legal question pertaining to a specific topic and statute of limitations, if I may. It is something I prefer to do privately via email or PM. If you have the time, please email or PM me. Thanks a bunch!

atlcomedy's Avatar
Why don't you call one (or a few)? Any decent attorney will give you a free brief consultation.
Waitt's Avatar
  • Waitt
  • 12-11-2010, 09:15 AM
A prominent attorney once told me "Legal advice is worth exactly what you pay for it."
Valentine Michael's Avatar
There are many different areas of specialties. How about hint as to the area of law you're interested in?
chipper's Avatar
Closed at the request of the OP.
