Exactly Who is President Clinton Supporting?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
He has praised Romney for being a good businessman and manager, and now he supports extending the Bush tax cuts. Whose side is he on, anyway?


Iaintliein's Avatar
He is promoting Hillary as the alternative to "O". Leftists have no qualms about discarding those who can no longer advance the banner, Newsweek, and Muareen Dowd stated openly questioning his re-electability this week.

There's nothing more dangerous (and few things uglier) than a wounded Hildabeast!
joe bloe's Avatar
It's passive aggressive behavior. Clinton is sabotaging Obama's campaign while pretending to help him win. Dick Morris says Clinton wants Obama to lose.

joe bloe's Avatar
He is promoting Hillary as the alternative to "O". Leftists have no qualms about discarding those who can no longer advance the banner, Newsweek, and Muareen Dowd stated openly questioning his re-electability this week.

There's nothing more dangerous (and few things uglier) than a wounded Hildabeast! Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Are you saying Bill thinks there's a chance for Hillary to get the nomination? Is that possible? I think it's more likely, Bill just wants Obama to lose because he despises him. I don't think Hillary will ever forgive Obama for the tactics he used in the campaign for the nomination. She felt the nomination belonged to her for dues she paid. She put up with a lifetime of humiliation, being married to a shameless philanderer, in order to get the presidency. Obama came along and took it without paying any dues, and I think she and Bill both resent it.
Bill Clinton is suporting Bill Clinton !

Even Bill knows Obama isn't up to the task of being president.
Iaintliein's Avatar
They have ways:

Remember, Stalin and Trotsky were once on the same side to. The left can always find a "use" for someone who isn't otherwise "useful".
joe bloe's Avatar
They have ways:

Remember, Stalin and Trotsky were once on the same side to. The left can always find a "use" for someone who isn't otherwise "useful". Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Who knows? I wouldn't put it past the Clintons. Look what happened to Vince Foster and Ron Brown.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Who knows? I wouldn't put it past the Clintons. Look what happened to Vince Foster and Ron Brown. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Well. . .

Boltfan's Avatar
Who would Bill rather have Hillary run against?

A republican who is 4 years in with a deadlocked congress that has everyone hating politicians or...

4 more years of Obama, where everyone thoroughly hates the Dems cause Obama has fucked things up so badly.

Obama won partly because people hated Bush so much that it drove the dems to the polls like never before.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I don't know about Clinton, sometimes the guy just goes off course.

. . . But, I know that I would sure love to do Maria and her DSLs!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I think I can agree to that.

As far as Bill goes, as long as they are sticking a mike in his face he will think he is relevant.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know about Clinton, sometimes the guy just goes off course.

. . . But, I know that I would sure love to do Maria and her DSLs!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
It only proves, FastGoon, that you DO have some good qualities!

Obama asking for help from Bill Clinton is like pulling the Trojan Horse into your camp.