
was going through my social media feed, and seems as though this individual got mixed up in some John Q. Law.
don't know if it's Kosher to post real names or not, but was looking at a page that shows the locals locked up and her picture and info matches up with what she advertises.
Not advocating for what you want to touch behind closed doors as your own private affairs, but 5 charges By local PD, may want to play your cards close to the vest with this one.
les123's Avatar
It is not kosher to post real life names. Thanks for the heads up. I saw her some time ago. She was rather mechanical but got the job done. Recent photos show she has grown into quite the looker. I think we should be very cautious right now. Entering into state fair time, they usually crack down about then. I’m betting you don’t need a fair for a crackdown.
well, there is no "State fair time" this year around.
but judging from this social media page, looks like if you are mixed in the type of extra curricular activity (not the "hobby") she was doing, looks like John Q. Law is making it's presence known.
Now I would rather not mix up with a lady who even shows on snapchat, twitter, or any sort of social media their herbal preferences, but to each their own. Just know sometimes it leads to other activities that i would not want to be a part of.
was going through my social media feed, and seems as though this individual got mixed up in some John Q. Law.
don't know if it's Kosher to post real names or not, but was looking at a page that shows the locals locked up and her picture and info matches up with what she advertises.
Not advocating for what you want to touch behind closed doors as your own private affairs, but 5 charges By local PD, may want to play your cards close to the vest with this one. Originally Posted by gateway7
Wow. Y’all don’t even know what happened or what I go through or been through. Doesn’t make me a bad person. Nobody’s perfect. Blasting my info on here is so messed up.
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