Yesterday I called for
I got directions to SKC and a gas station....where I was asked to buy cigarettes. I was given directions to a house and when I arrived I found
She took the cigarettes and I asked about the difference in the photos. She told me to get comfortable and asked for the donation which was more than anticipated based on an earlier conversation with the first lady. I told her that I would wait for the other woman who was 20 minutes away according to the second woman. I told her no thank you and she wanted a cancellation fee of 20 dollars. I asked about her misleading me and she said to get out because (this was her excuse) I was not coming up with the donation fast enough. Glad to leave.
To the first lady, we've talked before and I even had an appointment. You sent me a selfie and I was looking forward to getting together again but Sophie is going to ruin you if you are working together. The next time I'm texting you I will have no idea who I am talking to and will act accordingly.