How do you guys feel about pros in sheep's clothing: Pros using dating, hook-up sites, or chatrooms to find men who will P4P....but not disclosing that they are pros. Do you consider this deceptive? Or would this still be classified as UTR?
All of this came about in my other thread where I started crying about Yahoo closing the chatrooms. I know a lot of people thought that they were completely taken over by bots but there were still plenty of married and single guys there looking for ass. Most looking for free ass...some ok with helping a young lady with a few bills. 2 weeks I met 2 guys who "helped" me with some Xmas shopping.

From some PMs I received and from what was said in chat.....some guys consider this deceptive.
They said the purpose of finding a girl UTR or on a non-hobby site is to find one who is 1. not a pro, 2. not all about the money, and 3. really into them. There is a 4th one but I don't want to talk about that one just yet......well, not openly.
Do you consider what I do on none hobby sites deceptive? I guess I'm "fake" because I'm a pro and those married guys are looking for women who are "really" into them.
Of course I'm all about the money but I'm not a bitch about it.
I'm still nice, offer good company, and good head. They are not missing out on anything. I'm not deceiving them. I'm straight up about the fact that I'm not about to put in time with a married man for nothing.
I'm going to be honest and say that on Yahoo I did select my prey based on looks. So technically I really am into them physically. And I can't be around a dummy so I do pick out the smart guys. With seeking out guys on non-hobby sites, they tend to want to spend more time with you. I can't spend time with a guy I don't like and I can't charge by the hour. If a guy pays my rent I'm kicking it with him the whole weekend. I like to consider them REAL friends with benefits.