Hillary admits that the unborn are people too but without rights...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
....just like a slave prior to 1860 I guess. If the unborn are people then they do have at least the same rights as an illegal alien don't you think? So killing them would be murder and Hillary supports abortion...so Hillary supports murdering the innocent? According to a former girlfriend of Bill, Hillary is also guilty of murder.

I'm sure her campaign will clarify her statement about a unborn child being an actual person. We all know that it is just a mass of cells that will become a person when it's head pokes out.
....just like a slave prior to 1860 I guess. If the unborn are people then they do have at least the same rights as an illegal alien don't you think? So killing them would be murder and Hillary supports abortion...so Hillary supports murdering the innocent? According to a former girlfriend of Bill, Hillary is also guilty of murder.

http://www.breitbart.com/video/2016/...Qm_-ky0qT3r-1H Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This abortion issue is getting ridiculous. If I was a presidential candidate running on a Republican ticket, my abortion stance would be this. I advocate Abortion be legal in all fifty states, that would satisfy the liberals. The total cost of the Abortion would be quite high and no assistance from any Healthcare plan. You can't tell a women what to do with her body but you sure as hell can tell her what to do with her money. Furthermore doctors or the facility performing the procedure would only get twenty percent of the fee the other remaining eighty percent would go to organizations for needy children. Now I am sure many of you are thinking what kind of fee. I am thinking about five grand. I figure if someone is selfish enough to terminate their pregnancy then at least they can help those that had the guts to go through with it.

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Why is it the liberals support eugenics yet call conservatives racists?

I suppose when you create a dependent class via liberal policies that unfairly affect minorities they would naturally place the abortion clinics in areas where those minorities live.

Did Hillary say if she meant all babies or just minority babies?
Trump changes his position on abortion 3 times in a day or two, going from one absolute extreme to another. . .and the focus is on Clinton's choice of words when it comes to abortion while totally ignoring her actual position. Classic politics.

This abortion issue is getting ridiculous. If I was a presidential candidate running on a Republican ticket, my abortion stance would be this. I advocate Abortion be legal in all fifty states, that would satisfy the liberals. The total cost of the Abortion would be quite high and no assistance from any Healthcare plan. You can't tell a women what to do with her body but you sure as hell can tell her what to do with her money. Furthermore doctors or the facility performing the procedure would only get twenty percent of the fee the other remaining eighty percent would go to organizations for needy children. Now I am sure many of you are thinking what kind of fee. I am thinking about five grand. I figure if someone is selfish enough to terminate their pregnancy then at least they can help those that had the guts to go through with it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The problem with this is a lot of people terminate pregnancies because they are poor and don't believe they can well support a child. Making them pay 5k, when they may not even have it, is a de facto ban on abortion for poor people. It is the same issue with them closing down clinics all over the place. A rich person has no problem travelling somewhere where abortion is legal and getting it done. Poor people, however, end up having the child, which ends up costing them more, and by extension all tax payers, in the long run.
Why is it the liberals support eugenics yet call conservatives racists?

I suppose when you create a dependent class via liberal policies that unfairly affect minorities they would naturally place the abortion clinics in areas where those minorities live.

Did Hillary say if she meant all babies or just minority babies? Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I don't think she specified. So lets just say she was speaking of all babies. After all a baby is a baby regardless of it's race. In my opinion all babies of all races are perfect in every way, for the world hasn't got to them yet. Lets face it politicians say some stupid shit. What Hillary said was stupid. She's a stupid human being anyway. She doesn't care about babies, or their mothers. The only thing she truly cares about is power .

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I really do not give two shits abut what Trump has to spew forth like a carnival barker or huckster selling snake oil to the ignorant. Just know he will make it Great. Again, or soon, or........

Yeah, I like how the mass of cells just miraculously pops out as a completely formed human being but the same people cannot believe that Christ died and rose from the dead after three days. I guess they only believe in convenient miracles.

Magic is real, you are the illusion.

In all reality, I really do not care if you want to be responsible for killing a child that has yet to escape the womb but, do not take my tax dollars or any of my money and pay for it.
Trump changes his position on abortion 3 times in a day or two, going from one absolute extreme to another. . .and the focus is on Clinton's choice of words when it comes to abortion while totally ignoring her actual position. Classic politics.

The problem with this is a lot of people terminate pregnancies because they are poor and don't believe they can well support a child. Making them pay 5k, when they may not even have it, is a de facto ban on abortion for poor people. It is the same issue with them closing down clinics all over the place. A rich person has no problem travelling somewhere where abortion is legal and getting it done. Poor people, however, end up having the child, which ends up costing them more, and by extension all tax payers, in the long run. Originally Posted by eatfibo
My advice to the poor women out there is keep your legs crossed. If ya want to dance ya got to pay the band it's that simple.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
first, i'll state i'm pro-choice. one of the things i do NOT like about Cruz is that he is a religious zealot. he believes in an obscure off-shoot of Christian religion. some nonsense about the 7 kings that fosters the return of Jesus. being an atheist, none of this concerns me. if Jesus returns and brings about world peace and prosperity, then i might believe.

second, no Doctor worth his Hippocratic oath would state a fetus at conception could possibly survive outside the womb. what ya gonna do? grow it in a petri dish? nope.

third, even at 6 months, the legal limit for an abortion, the odds of a premature child at 6 months to survive is 50/50 at best, and this is with state of the art neonatal care. and even if the fetus did survive, there is no guarantee the child would develop normally.

last, i simply do not believe that anyone else, for religious or moral reasons, has the right to compel a woman to have a child. any pregnancy is a two way street. it takes two to play, and if they both knowingly have unprotected sex, then that's a risk they take. No man has the right to compel a woman to have his child either. If .. IF .. the woman agrees to have the child and surrender parental rights, ok. but to compel a woman? NO. that's immoral.

Cruz would force women to be "breeding stock". he'd repeal Row V Wade. he wouldn't allow a woman to have an abortion even after forcible rape or probably even at risk of death to continue the pregnancy. that's nothing less that SICK.

people make mistakes. an unwanted pregnancy can be a mistake for many reasons. age/maturity, financial, not the "right time" or especially with the right partner.

a woman has the right to decide if having a child is a mistake.
I really do not give two shits abut what Trump has to spew forth like a carnival barker or huckster selling snake oil to the ignorant. Just know he will make it Great. Again, or soon, or........

Yeah, I like how the mass of cells just miraculously pops out as a completely formed human being but the same people cannot believe that Christ died and rose from the dead after three days. I guess they only believe in convenient miracles.

Magic is real, you are the illusion.

In all reality, I really do not care if you want to be responsible for killing a child that has yet to escape the womb but, do not take my tax dollars or any of my money and pay for it. Originally Posted by The2Dogs

You ain't the real "The 2Dogs" this is a fucking bullshit stooge...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm pro choice, but I'm tired of hearing about those poor women who can't afford abortion. You can get free condoms almost everywhere. If you aren't going to fuck responsibly, don't fuck. And if you are irresponsible, you pay for it. Make the guy pay at least half.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I cannot find it anywhere in the Constitution that the federal government is required to provide birth control at all. Nothing from the government is free, it has to be first taken from somebody else and or borrowed from somebody else. How many trillion are we in debt from doing just such things? Yes condoms nd birth control are just a drop in the bucket but add that drop to all the other drops and soon you are borrowing water.

The liberals believe that we should tax more and not cut any services even if there is not Constitutional authority for the service and I believe that we should stop the federal government from doing what is not Constitutional. There is a provision for how to handle these issues and it is called the 10th amendment. If the shithole state you live in does not provide what you want move to a state that does but please do not come to Texas and brig that bullshit with you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets rephrase this so liberals can understand it. Hillary says that black and female babies have all the rights that southern slave owners said their slaves had in the 1830s. Why does Hillary hate black children and girl babies so much? What is broken inside of her?
southtown4488's Avatar
Clinton talks about her position on abortion, and people are bending over backwards trying to make it about eugenics and race. Classic politics.