Moving to The Big Island

MsDeborahDarling's Avatar
Hello to all! I plan on making a move from the Kansas /city area to The Big Island on the Hilo side and I was inquiring about how to get my name out to the locals and tourists. I will be taking a part time job in the medical field but want to keep my escorting and build up a nice roster of local regulars. If anyone has any ideas aside from the outlets I already use (Eros, P411, Eccie) I would greatly appreciate it. Also any moving tips, the attitude of LE, and whether I should consider some kind of "Backpage" type of advertising would be welcome. This is my dream to come and live in paradise. Every time I visit my friend in Pahoa I never want to leave! Kehena beach is my very favorite spot to frolic nude on the black sand. I hope I can become an island favorite by somehow getting my name out.
Ms Deborah Darling
Mr Turov's Avatar
Welcome Ms. Darling,

I am certain you would be a welcome addition to the Big Island and Hawaii as a whole. You hit all the major advertising outlets here except for Backpage which is heavily used here.
I hope you recover from your accident soon! Us guys in Kansas are eager for your return!
Doing some trips to Oahu would probably really help with a client base.
MsDeborahDarling, when do you get to Hawaii? I tried to meet you a few times in KS, but how awesome would it be if I finally got to meet you here in Hawaii. I'll be around for another 10 days . . . just maybe if I'm lucky :-)