quick visits/bngs/halfhours

DallasRain's Avatar
Ok my question is

ladies...what constitutes and defines
quick visit

And if the gent does not "nut" or "gets full satisfaction"........... how do you end the session and have them leave??

Guys....what is the draw of
a 10 or 15 minute blowjob..........{My SO says it would not be worth his effort to take a shower & prepare to drive over for that short of a time}

{not saying these sessions are a bad thing...each gal has a right to do whatever kind of session she wants to do.......just a curious observation}
BNG-up to 15 minutes
If no happy ending at 15 I usually remind them and give an extra 5-10 minute

QV-up to 20 minutes
Same thing if no ending at 20 minutes I'll give friendly reminder if needed and allow an extra 5-10 minutes

HH-up to 30 minutes
For these I don't typically give extra time because running over on a hh appt starts to creep into the hour and the donation amount could be about a 100 difference.

If after remindrrs of time he still isn't able to finish then I may offer more time for some donation discounted otherwise thetb usually understand that it's time to go and they get up get dressed and leave on their own.. Sometimes you have to force them to leave... Like literally tell them it's time to go...

I believe to a hobbyist that is interested it's even worth driving for a bng because they aren't likely getting a bng at home.... Which is why they are seeking me out in the first place.
Ok my question is

ladies...what constitutes and defines
quick visit

And if the gent does not "nut" or "gets full satisfaction"........... how do you end the session and have them leave??

Guys....what is the draw of
a 10 or 15 minute blowjob..........{My SO says it would not be worth his effort to take a shower & prepare to drive over for that short of a time}

{not saying these sessions are a bad thing...each gal has a right to do whatever kind of session she wants to do.......just a curious observation}
Originally Posted by DallasRain
I wanted a qv once it was only because I had an appointment
That I had to be at.
Unfortunately the lady wasn't interested and later decided she was. By that time it was to late.
DallasRain's Avatar
ok thanks for the input

I do halfhours but for what menu items I enjoy,I think that qv or bNgs wouldn't be feasible
asking you SO other what defines a bng is enouth info for me
To answer D question. The draw of a quick BNG is convenience. I used to have a goto girl that I would call up after a stressfull day at work and just needed a quick fix. Normally would be just spur of the moment and hardly every planned.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
I use to think that same way. Who could possibly enjoy BNG, QV appts? To each is own, I look at it as a business now. Some clients truly only have a hour to get to hardware store and back home. So think about all the different scenarios . Businessmen only have a tight lunch break and have to be back at a meeting.
I recently added this myself. I don't just offer to anyone. Also requires extreme screening. Give it a try some of your regulars might appreciate it.

Good luck,
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks Beau...I do offer halfhours which work out great for at home...Springfield is "home of the halfhour".......and if I travel,I throw some halfhours in there to buffer for any slow times or cancellations.

I am just gonna leave those BnGs to yall young gals...lol..yall are built better for them.
Quick visit 15min
Half hour 30min
If they are getting close to their time,I remind them and ask if they want to pay for more time
Satyrrical's Avatar
30min or shorter just ends in frustration for me.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Yeah I would have to agree, 30 min. is a minimum for me, and only works with someone I'm already acquainted with -- and then I'd usually want at least an hour. There is a certain attraction about a BnG, I guess it's the "wham-bam, thank-you m'am" strictly-business thing -- purely sexual -- that makes it seem hot. But I'd probably just end up wanting more lol.
Debra Hollander's Avatar
I'm getting to the point where an hour often feels rushed! LOL!

So I can't imagine doing 30min dates without them routinely running overtime, which means I'd frequently be getting taken advantage-of, as well.

But if I WERE to offer 30min or QV sessions, I'd advise my callers that my music-playlist would run for 5min LESS than the arranged (paid-for) time increment so when the music stops.... he'd need to finish up & take his leave, or present an additional donation to extend our time.

Not terribly romantic to lay it out like that, but really...... a date of 30 minutes or less doesn't exactly scream warm-fuzzy feelings to begin with, does it? ;-)
SlowHand50's Avatar

... But if I WERE to offer 30min or QV sessions, I'd advise my callers that my music-playlist would run for 5min LESS than the arranged (paid-for) time increment so when the music stops.... he'd need to finish up & take his leave, or present an additional donation to extend our time.

Not terribly romantic to lay it out like that, but really...... a date of 30 minutes or less doesn't exactly scream warm-fuzzy feelings to begin with, does it? ;-) Originally Posted by Debra Hollander
THIS to me seems like a smart way to handle it.
jp194657's Avatar
Ok my question is

ladies...what constitutes and defines
quick visit

And if the gent does not "nut" or "gets full satisfaction"........... how do you end the session and have them leave??

Guys....what is the draw of
a 10 or 15 minute blowjob..........{My SO says it would not be worth his effort to take a shower & prepare to drive over for that short of a time}

{not saying these sessions are a bad thing...each gal has a right to do whatever kind of session she wants to do.......just a curious observation}
Originally Posted by DallasRain
A 10-15 minute Quickie works when using the services of the Street Walker but for any to the Fine providers on this site A One Hour would be the minimum for me
DallasRain's Avatar
Jp..I luv ya babe!