Bangalore Girl Friend Experience

Just a quick note to thank you and your wonderful staff for my recent vacation. It turned out very well. When I first got there I wasn't quite sure what to expect and was quite skeptical probably due to my prior profession. However, You are wonderful, the staff courteous and attentive, and the woman beautiful. I honestly felt like a kid in a candy store not knowing who to choose.

The other guests were nice and a lot of fun. It was very good that a couple of them had been there before to give me some advice and a few pointers as to how things work. I cannot say enough about Aarthy the wonderful companion that I spent most of my time with. I could not believe when she told me that she was just 20 years old! She showed a level of maturity beyond that age. She was intelligent, a great conversationalist, and had a very good understanding of world affairs and history. She was very well read and it was very easy, interesting, and fun to carry on a conversation with her. Aarthy also was very familiar with Bangalore regarding restaurants, Bars etc. A terrific knowledgeable guide. She is just the type of woman that I enjoy spending my time with. My only regret is that I did not hook up with her my first day there. Well that was my fault.

Unfortunately commitments could not permit me to stay an extra day or two. However when I come down next time I will make arrangements to extend my vacation if need be. Once again thank you and if you ever need any help inChennai do give me a call. Would you please give my best to Aarthy?

Just Google this to get their contact Info Bangalore Girl Friends Experience.
My live together boyfriend of nine years started searching for us to find another place to go because our last visit to Kodaikanal didn’t quite meet our expectations. He found Bangalore Girl Friend Experience. Originally, the website claimed that couples were welcome. Unfortunately, policy changed but in a lot of ways, all is as it should be.

My boyfriend, Tim decided to go and invited his two best friends, RAVI and Bhaskran. To say the least, ALL of them had the vacation of their lives. Since they have been back, they can’t focus on anything, they are extremely sad for having to leave, they are busy planning on when they can come back and to be honest, it was a life changing event. Not just for them, but for everyone they are associated with as well.

I personally am very jealous in the fact that I could not share this wonderful time with my boyfriend, but I am so gleeful that he had such an exotic “escape from reality” vacation. Our sex life has been jump started and his whole outlook on life has been rejuvenated. As much as I want to be upset that I wasn’t a part of his experience, I just can’t because he is so thrilled with the time he had.

I want to make special thanks to Mythily. She must be a classy lady. Not only did Tim think so, his friends were equally impressed. She assisted Bhaskar in purchasing a beautiful necklace, earrings and bracelet for me that I just am enamored with. Mythyly made our visit to bagalore a total pleasure to be remembered.

In close, I want to thank everyone who participated in making their group be so welcomed and appreciated. RAVI and Bhaskran will never forget what a fabulous time they had (I know because I keep hearing about every detail) and this whole experience has changed all of our lives.

Just Google this to get their contact Info Bangalore Girl Friends Experience.

With great appreciation,
We just wanted to say thank you to you, your staff and those wonderful girls for the great time we had. As this was our second time at your playground, we were coming down with the expectation that this trip would be the same as our trip last May,

What a difference a little more than a year can make. Your assistant Sowmya was an absolute joy to deal with, Sanjay was very helpful, that you forget all about the stresses back home.

To have a bouquet of beautiful women dressed to the nines sharing your dinner table and the only difficulty you have is trying to decide which one to spend the night with is my idea of a vacation. The girls were beautiful, charming, entertaining and most satisfying. I applaud your choices and we are already looking forward to coming down again. I've told you in the past and I'll say it again, you should warn people about Bangalore Girl Friend Experience and especially
these girls can become quite an addiction.
Just Google this to get their contact Info Bangalore Girl Friends Experience.

Thanks again and we will see you soon.