Broken Lawn Mower

A couple's lawn mower broke, and the man kept putting off getting it fixed. He kept making excuses, saying he forgot, etc, etc. Meanwhile, the grasss was getting taller and taller. Two weeks went by, then three. His wife kept reminding him to fix it, but he just kept on making excuses for not getting it fixed.

So, she decided to try and make him fix it. She waited until her husband was about to get home from work, and then she put her plan into action. When he arrived home, there was his wife - sitting in the front yard with a tiny pair of sewing scissors, calmly clipping the grass a few blades at a time.

He got out of the car and went inside without saying a word. About a minute later, he returned to the front yard, and silently handed her a toothbrush. "What is this for?" she asked. He replied "So that when you finish cutting the grass, you can sweep the driveway."

That's when the fight started...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Now, that is one really compassionate husband!

. . . You have to love his biting sense of humor too!

Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Hotindallas, they need encouragement sometimes ..

Hey SNL where is a dealer for those???
Fast Gunn's Avatar
So where is the toothbrush attachment to the contraption?

. . . Does that come standard?

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Hey SNL where is a dealer for those??? Originally Posted by ekim008
I bet John deer could fix you up with one Or any cycle shop...personally I would want one of these lol.

Who really wants to be outside on a 100 degree, muggy, summer day to cut grass? What if you just want to see the grass cut while you are enjoying a cool beverage? Well, the Friendly Robotics RoboMower can make the dream come true. Just sit back, relax and do whatever you’re in the mood for.
  • Technical Details:
  • Automatic lawnmower designed to mow entirely by itself
  • Efficiently and safely mows lawn, while you relax
  • Cuts up to 10,800 square feet on a single 24-hour charge
  • Onboard sensor and bumper avoids obstacles; built-in child safety lock; powerful mulcher

Oh, the price $1,838.40

Sweet N Little's Avatar
or this one

Did somebody say "Lawnmower" ?

There are three kinds of people in the world: Those who can count, and those who can not count.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
LOL Ron!

LOL Hotindallas, they need encouragement sometimes ..

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Now that's my kind a lawnmore there.