Erectile Dysfunction Commercials Need Aid.

This past weekend was spent in solitude, inside my New York residence. It was one of those extended rainy periods that I love when various points the rain will come gushing down with such force and vigor, that the sound is cause to get my lazy tight ass over to the window to experience the beautiful sights and sounds of nature form ten flights up that happen to face a brick wall.
Yes... most of us city dwellers are truly nature anemic, and we know it! Must rapidly devour her pleasure in the simplest of things when Mother Nature makes a pronounced appearance!

For the most part, I do not engage in viewing television. It's just not my preferred medium. However, it was briefly turned on for a very specific reason, at a very specific time, with regard to a friend's request. And there it was... another one of those "Erectile Dysfunction" commercials! Ugh! These advertisements makes me want to scream!

Firstly, commercials like this portray maybe one third the story... (at very best.) If inclined to stay with me here, let's take a walk through it.

- We see a couple whom are in the very deepest part of "middle age."
- It is quietly indicated that the male character most likely on his first wife due to her appearance. She looks his age, if not maybe even slightly older. Anyway, the first wife usually is more evenly matched in age than the second or third! This fact is uncontested.
- Instead of acting playful, they instead behave in a rather placid and serene way. Letting on that in no way whatsoever, the "Viagra" or any one of it's many other competitor's pharmaceuticals is about to "kick in."
- Both are dressed eerily alike. Outfitted very casually. Sweaters and trousers of the blandest and most unoffensive and un- seductive tones of beige, taupe and tans. Even wearing long sleeves.
- Then, during the voice over of his drug's side effects, our "Sexual Zombie Couple" are now seen in the middle of a forest. The camera is shooting them from far behind. We view the back of their heads and necks. They are each in a SEPARATE side- by- side bathtubs. Both have one arm extended over their respected side of the claw footed bathtub... holding hands. "FIN!"

Okay, I have accepted that "truth in advertising is a bit of what is commonly refereed to as an oxymoron. But really? This is a just bit beyond silly? Or am I just plain crazy?

Yes, I understand that it would not be totally "alright" nor "advantageous" for the good folks over at Pfizer (Viagra), Lilly (Cialis), or GlaxoSmithKline (Lavitra), to portray some random middle aged fellow- perhaps portly yet cheerful in demeanor- about to check into his suite at the Bellagio. When in his room, we watch as he gleefully yet rabidly begins to scroll through is many beautiful options for companionship via computer. He swallows a pill. Then "poof!" Cut to his doorway- his choice appears. A set of stunning twenty three- (ish) hot blond twins, tanned, full breasted, dressed as school girls (with a lot of lip- gloss) fully ready and equipped for a fun night of being nailed to a mattress my hero's newly acquired concrete appendage.

Clearly as Americans- we are not "there" yet. Nowhere slightly close. Not even just once, if only aired on "Super Bowl" day.

Yes, my example of a new commercial depicting E.D. medications is bit extreme.
Personally, I think that the truth would be far more clever and entertaining! I would certainly be in admiration of the first company who had the courage to call a spade a spade!

But is it so impossible to meet someplace in the middle? Leave that lush, mythical forest with the two "separate" bathtubs in the dust! Fire wardrobe department who dresses the pretend couple with the close in type "beige" sweaters (along with the portrayal of their very "beige" sex life) and represent this achievement in pharmaceuticals with what it is meant to do! Why not outfit the wife in some sexy little (P.G. rated) number, and gingerly place her in a proper hot tub... at the very least... No?

Many countries do not even allow drug companies air time on television. Good.

We all know and recognize that this condition of "Erectile Dysfunction" is certainly a reality for some men. That being stated... How many prescriptions are dolled out by our physicians and prescribe-rs, simply because one has inquired? Don't forget what's available on the Internet, too! Makes me wonder what the true mathematical ratio is.
"E.D. diagnosed v.s. Sport F-ing." Either way... Only wondering. I'm just a curious person when something strikes me as a bit unbalanced, I may sometimes make mention.

I'll just keep my television switched in the "off" position. Best let the "Donny Deutsch" types in the world work it out...!

*** footnote, sometimes difficult to interpret, my tone here is not of anger, but with a bit of light frustration and a pinch of jest. Thank you!
Iaintliein's Avatar
We are a very confusing country, where else can you see a pharmaceutical commercial right after a "just say no to drugs" commercial? And don't even get started on selling everything under the sun with sex, but maximizing the stigma of actually selling sex.

Maybe the unpredictability works to our advantage in some regards, who knows.
We are a very confusing country, where else can you see a pharmaceutical commercial right after a "just say no to drugs" commercial? And don't even get started on selling everything under the sun with sex, but maximizing the stigma of actually selling sex.

Maybe the unpredictability works to our advantage in some regards, who knows. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Ah, The First Amendment takes us all over the map.
What I don't understand is how the hell they have sex while sitting in separate bathtubs.
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Iaintliein's Avatar
With all due respect. . . this isn't the forum for you to place an ad in.
With all due respect. . . this isn't the forum for you to place an ad in. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
If you follow my posts, you'd know that couldn't possibly be me.
KristenDiAngelo's Avatar
I so agree with Claudia...isn't strange how we hold ourselves to be this progressive country and yet our puritanical values never seem to leave... We make taboo the very things that are at the core of our nature. Things which I think should be celebrated. Ironically enough, a commercial which is a bit more real would be great fodder for SNL or some such show, if they haven't done it already.
Naomi4u's Avatar
With all due respect. . . this isn't the forum for you to place an ad in. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Rudyard K's Avatar
I suppose I just see it as one group's view of "good manners".

We close the bathroom door when relieving ourself. We chew with our mouth closed. Most of us don't have sex in public. While most of us guys tend to adjust ourself way too is generally not considered proper. But all of these things are natural to us.

I guess I don't see us as progressive (in general) as some other's think we might be...hence the curtains blowing in the open window are all I need to see to know that someone is getting laid. I don't need to see him pounding her. But, to each his own.

As an advertiser, I'm guessing they are trying to appeal to the largest subset...and at least today, that subset says let's don't get too racy.
Dearest Rudyard,

I understand your point.
I can recall when "Trojan" condoms had begun to advertise. As well, I recall being every bit as annoyed. Whitewashing.

Time passed, and finally the big guns at "Trojan" finally made the leap... the creation of "TROJAN MAN!" At least they had the nerve to portray sex as it often is. Playful, silly, and often quite funny! Trojan had the bravery to "lighten up" and found a common ground. Bravo to them!
You have me LAUGHING! So vanilla boring true!!!!
pjorourke.... You have me LAUGHING! So True!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes, I understand that it would not be totally "alright" nor "advantageous" for the good folks over at Pfizer (Viagra), Lilly (Cialis), or GlaxoSmithKline (Lavitra), to portray some random middle aged fellow- perhaps portly yet cheerful in demeanor- about to check into his suite at the Bellagio. When in his room, we watch as he gleefully yet rabidly begins to scroll through is many beautiful options for companionship via computer. He swallows a pill. Then "poof!" Cut to his doorway- his choice appears. A set of stunning twenty three- (ish) hot blond twins, tanned, full breasted, dressed as school girls (with a lot of lip- gloss) fully ready and equipped for a fun night of being nailed to a mattress my hero's newly acquired concrete appendage. Originally Posted by Claudia Cole
I couldn't help but think that the "choice companion" you describe often makes the little blue pill unnecessary, and that, in turn, made me think about this joke that recently made the rounds:

A Man & His Wife

A man was prescribed Viagra by his doctor who told him to take it one hour before sex. The man collected his prescription and went home to wait for his wife to get in from work.

An hour before she was due home, he took the Viagra pill. But just as he was expecting her, she phoned to say that she wouldn't be in for another two and a half hours.

In a panic, he phoned the doctor. "What should I do?" he asked. "I've taken the pill but the effects will have worn off by the time my wife gets home."

"I see," said the doctor. "It is a pity to waste it. Do you have a maid?"


"Well, could you not occupy yourself with her instead?"

"But I don't need Viagra with the maid."
With all due respect, as well, that was not an "ad."