Kerry makes an unintended off-the-cuff remark (quickly back walked by the DOS); Putin turns it into a diplomatic checkmate against the incompetent Obama !

How stupid were we to elect and re-elect bozo Obama?

Assad backs the deal and the Syrian rebels don't !

Mark Adams Top Commentator at Powerlineblog.com:

"Obama's given America gay marriage and Obamacare and given the world an Islamist resurgence and a few laughs. Let Putin worry about the geopolitics for the next 3 years. It's safer."

How right you are Mark Adams (sadly right).
Charles Krauthammer agrees:

Krauthammer believes that Russia is playing chess with a set of rank amateurs and saw a huge opening for themselves after Kerry’s comments this morning. For Russia, Krauthammer says, it means they get to keep Assad in power and maintain their Iran/Hezzbollah/Assad/Russian axis of power as well as prevent Jihadists in the Muslim countries like Chechnya from getting their hands on the chemical weapons. He calls it a win-win for Russia and says that Obama will accept this because it’s the only way he saves face.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Only an aggregate of deep thinkers like Trendaway, IBSynd...er OAB, and you others would buy into the "unintended off the cuff" boolsh*t. But, that's OK, because you guys have been whiplashed again. Syria MAY give up their chemical weapons (biological ones, too - perhaps) and we didn't have to fire a shot. Now, unfortunately for you whining bitches, none of your arguments either for or against intervention, boots on the ground, another "war" or whatever have anywhere to go. Krap-hammer is right as far as chess vs checkers goes, he just got the players wrong. Typical teawipe silliness. All hail Joe Manchin!

How does it feel to be left in the dust --- again?

Whirlaway is Trending Amateur (well, he's actually been the poster child for quite a while).
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-10-2013, 09:06 AM
Only an aggregate of deep thinkers like Trendaway, IBSynd...er OAB, and you others would buy into the "unintended off the cuff" boolsh*t. But, that's OK, because you guys have been whiplashed again. Syria MAY give up their chemical weapons (biological ones, too - perhaps) and we didn't have to fire a shot. Now, unfortunately for you whining bitches, none of your arguments have anywhere to go. Krap-hammer is right as far as chess vs checkers goes, he just got the players wrong. Typical teawipe silliness. All hail Joe Manchin!

How does it feel to be left in the dust --- again? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
they're so used to eating dust they'll never notice the grit in their teeth
Obama is being played by Putin....................

Why did Putin propose the chemical weapons strategy?
Russia’s overwhelming interest is the protection of Assad’s regime — its only real ally (but stay tuned) in a crucial part of the world, i.e., the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, I believe that Putin proposed his resolution to maximize Assad’s chances of retaining power and winning the civil war.

If so, Putin probably believes that a U.S. attack would create a real risk to Assad, enough of a risk to make a settlement worthwhile even as the odds of an attack were decreasing. Putin probably believes (1) that Assad can continue to gain ground in the civil war without relying on chemical weapons (but with some such weapons held secretly in reserve in case his situation falls apart completely), but (2) that a U.S. attack might well reduce Assad’s crucial advantage in the air, disrupt his command-and-control operation, energize the rebels, and so forth.

And why would Obama accept Putin's offer ?

It’s clear that Obama, sensing defeat of his resolution by Congress, sees the gambit as a way out... Given Obama’s dislike of using military force, it’s quite possible that he would have gone along with Putin’s gambit even if he were operating from a position of political strength.
LexusLover's Avatar
Who is going to verify that all of the WMDs are turned over to ________________?
Hopefully NOT Russia; they aren't in UN treaty compliance with reporting/securing their own stockpiles.
LexusLover's Avatar
And why would Obama accept Putin's offer ?

It’s clear that Obama, sensing defeat of his resolution by Congress, sees the gambit as a way out... Given Obama’s dislike of using military force, it’s quite possible that he would have gone along with Putin’s gambit even if he were operating from a position of political strength.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
He has no choice and Putin knows it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
You alleged geniuses keep on scurrying around like cats covering up sh*t, for all of the good it'll do you. Sounds to me like the National Socialist Noise Network hasn't been able to come up with much since the last few posts seem to have been generated by third graders.

The same UN inspectors that your boy Shrub and his daddy, Dickie-boy Cheney, ignored (but proved to be correctamundo) will do the inspecting. Just because your "sources" at Faux Noise say something doesn't mean it's true. In fact, as proven over and over, it's usually horse-pucky.

Wipe the feces off your faces and git while the gittin's good. The beating will only get worse.

BTW, take your checker set with you.....
LexusLover's Avatar
The same UN inspectors ..... Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
So you think Obaminable is doing a good job of it do you?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-10-2013, 02:39 PM
So you think Obaminable is doing a good job of it do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover

nobody has heard you say a word about the way you'd handle it ..
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I think President Obama is like Inspector Clouseau. He plays the fool to trick Putin and others into doing exactly what he wants them to do. He is a genius, playing two to three levels above our pay grades....

(ExNyer - this is sarcasm)
Henry Kissinger is spinning in his grave.

Putin/Rodham 2016!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You want a war? or not?

who gives a fuck who gets the CRED?

amazingly stupid scum you are!