Abortion vs. Prostitution

belltexguy's Avatar
I hate abortion, let me just start off with that statement. But the major argument used in favor of abortion is a woman's right to choose. If this country and current government leaders really believed that wouldn't prostitution fall under the argument, "the woman's right to choose"?

If they really believe, "her body, her choice" then prostitution would be legal!

They'd have my vote....as long as it was secret ballot!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I hate abortion, let me just start off with that statement. But the major argument used in favor of abortion is a woman's right to choose. If this country and current government leaders really believed that wouldn't prostitution fall under the argument, "the woman's right to choose"?

If they really believe, "her body, her choice" then prostitution would be legal!

They'd have my vote....as long as it was secret ballot! Originally Posted by belltexguy
Good point! Prostitution is legal in Israel!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Let's see, prostitution is legal in Brazil, Canada, Nevada in the US, it's legal in Sweden, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, China, Germany.. shit lots of countries where it is legal. The US is too puritanical for much of this country to get passed seeing all women as either a criminal in prostitution, or a victim.
The end result of prostitution is a mess and a smile. The end result of an abortion is the death of an innocent person. Something that if left alone, would be voting for or against prostitution and abortion 18 years from now. I understand that it's our bodies and all that bullshit, but it's still ending life for no good reason. Even if raped, it's still murder. It's selfish also. I understand the emotional toll of rape, but killing the result hasn't made one woman forget what happened to her. Just a dead child cause he was unlucky enough to be in the nut sack of a sick bastard.
Prostitution should be legal because it doesn't affect anyone but the 2 adults engaging in it. Abortion ends a life.
Funny thing about prostitution laws, they are written by the secret hobbiests in the government. Lol
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The US government leaves that issue up to the States which leads us to ask why isnt the issue of abortion left to the states.
If killing an unborn baby is a civil right then selling pussy should also be a civil right.

The reality is that it is all about control and who has it and who does not.

Oh yeah, thou shall not sell pussy is I believe the 8th Commandment which we all know are not nearly as important as the first one or two.
I totally agree. Problem is there is no money in it on the abortion side except for lobby money. states eat off of court cases. Between probation fees and court costs and fines and stuff, they do pretty good.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
The end result of prostitution is a mess and a smile. The end result of an abortion is the death of an innocent person. Something that if left alone, would be voting for or against prostitution and abortion 18 years from now. I understand that it's our bodies and all that bullshit, but it's still ending life for no good reason. Even if raped, it's still murder. It's selfish also. I understand the emotional toll of rape, but killing the result hasn't made one woman forget what happened to her. Just a dead child cause he was unlucky enough to be in the nut sack of a sick bastard. Originally Posted by ladylove12
I think at least 50% of American's might disagree with you on that whole "fetus" is a human being thing, scientists and doctors included. But hey, its only facts and science..right?
Oh and I think tho shall not sell pussy was number 7. Lol Nobody listened then and I see 4000 years later, nobodies still listening.. ;-)
I said nothing about fetus is human, but how about you take a look a a woman from conception to birth and tell me did a child come out. That means the child was made and grown in that uterus. That's that fact and science Mr. if she doesn't see a doctor, if she sits in a chair 9 months, a child will still be birthed. That's called life.
A fetus, if left unmolested in it's natural environment, will grow into whatever it will be. The just because a heart might or brain might not be developed, the cells are still there.

But then scientists thru out history have never been wrong before huh.
And not all scientists and doctors agree with that opinion anyway.
belltexguy's Avatar
Because 50% of America disagrees makes it right? Do you have a source for that statistic anyway? Scientists and doctors will agree with whomever is lining their pockets.

Life is best represented by blood. Blood is present from the moment of conception. Or perhaps you think life is best represented by DNA. DNA is present by day 2 after conception.

The number of abortions practiced because of rape and incest are less than...2%. source cited: http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3711005.pdf

I think at least 50% of American's might disagree with you on that whole "fetus" is a human being thing, scientists and doctors included. But hey, its only facts and science..right? Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Something tells me some folks have no education on the actual "human development" process. But I am not willing to argue with folks that have already made up their mind that abortion is killing an actual person, or who believe all those wonderful myths the anti-abortion groups are spewing. Just not worth it honestly..