KHOU news "Caught on camera, deputy brutalizes family" Houston, TX

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Stan - are you a member of a political advocacy group?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-11-2013, 03:14 PM
stan has a cop brutality fetish
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
stan has a cop brutality fetish Originally Posted by CJ7
He does!!! LOL
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Haha, no, just finding a bunch of these on the reddit site. I guess I will try to find something else to post for awhile..lmao
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-11-2013, 03:45 PM
Haha, no, just finding a bunch of these on the reddit site. I guess I will try to find something else to post for awhile..lmao Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp

try this one from reddit ..
Haha, no, just finding a bunch of these on the reddit site. I guess I will try to find something else to post for awhile..lmao Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Keep posting them until LexusLover finallly admits that the cops was at fault. ot may take years. There is no bottom with LL.

I particularly enjoyed the part where Officer Fat Fuck waddled over and kicked the guy on the ground even though two other cops already had him cuffed and were on top of him. I guess he was mouthing off and needed to be taught a lesson, huh?

Did anyone catch the part where Officer Fat Fuck kicked the little white dog?

What is it with Officer Fat Fuck kicking people and pets? I guess when you are that fat, it takes too much effort to bend over and use your hands. So, his feet have to do the job.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 05:11 PM
Officer Fat Fuc should be fired IMHO.

My guess is LL wants him promoted to the new Cadet trainer.
Officer Fat Fuc should be fired IMHO.

My guess is LL wants him promoted to the new Cadet trainer. Originally Posted by WTF
And why did they arrest just about EVERY member of the family?

Some of them appeared to be doing nothing more than standing in their own driveway wanting to know what is happening to other members of their family. Is that an arrestable offense?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-11-2013, 05:53 PM
And why did they arrest just about EVERY member of the family?

Some of them appeared to be doing nothing more than standing in their own driveway wanting to know what is happening to other members of their family. Is that an arrestable offense? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The charges were dropped if I was in the news here a couple of weeks ago. I'm to lazy to go look it up.
And why did they arrest just about EVERY member of the family?

Some of them appeared to be doing nothing more than standing in their own driveway wanting to know what is happening to other members of their family. Is that an arrestable offense? Originally Posted by ExNYer
No, asking police pertinent questions isn't an arrestable offense, but the police will most likely regard it as interfering with their investigation. I can't believe this one either. This video certainly won't be used as a recruiting tool.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Hey don't forget about the TDPS policy of body cavity searches on public streets .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Before commenting watch the video. Pretty horrifying that members of law enforcement are that out of control and THEY are walking around armed with permission to shoot people.

Officer fat ass should be serving time for assault and battery. Any officer who crossed onto private property without cause (and I didn't see it) should be charged. In a Hollywood moment the neighborhood should have rose up and taken them all down, lined them up on the side of the road in their underwear with their hands cuffed with their own cuffs. Then the Sheriff could come in and negotiate their release with an explanation for their activities.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-12-2013, 08:45 AM
Before commenting watch the video. Pretty horrifying that members of law enforcement are that out of control and THEY are walking around armed with permission to shoot people.

Officer fat ass should be serving time for assault and battery. Any officer who crossed onto private property without cause (and I didn't see it) should be charged. In a Hollywood moment the neighborhood should have rose up and taken them all down, lined them up on the side of the road in their underwear with their hands cuffed with their own cuffs. Then the Sheriff could come in and negotiate their release with an explanation for their activities. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Damn JD...I have agreed with something you have said twice in the same month now. I must be going looney!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe you're just coming around to reality.