Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld Found Guilty of War Crimes

Finally, an official tribunal finds some of the War Criminals GUILTY!


Illegal torture and detention draws guilty verdict for the people who ran up a 10 trillion dollar war debt padding the pockets of their military contractor supporters.

Little Stevie - now fighting fire with fire by being only slightly more relevant than the drivel posted by COF and Barleybrains.
Little Stevie just be glad I wasn't in charge. I feel the Armys job is to kill people and destroy things. As far as I can see they didn't kill enough of the a-holes and left the job unfinished. If there is one bad guy in a house that has killed 2000 people and you kill 10 innocents when you blow the house he is still ahead 1989 deaths. Get them any way you can, they think that way why shouldn't we?
joe bloe's Avatar
Little Stevie just be glad I wasn't in charge. I feel the Armys job is to kill people and destroy things. As far as I can see they didn't kill enough of the a-holes and left the job unfinished. If there is one bad guy in a house that has killed 2000 people and you kill 10 innocents when you blow the house he is still ahead 1989 deaths. Get them any way you can, they think that way why shouldn't we? Originally Posted by tucson

Sometimes there is collateral damage when we kill Jihadists because they tend to hide behind women and children. We try to avoid killing the innocent whenever possible. When it does happen, the blood is on the hands of the Jihadists. America was not to blame for the innocent women and children that died at Hiroshima and Nagasaki or for any other act of war that was necessary for our survival.

The United States or Israel may be forced to bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran very soon. These facilities, in some instances, have been deliberately placed in residential areas and near schools and hospitals. The additional loss of innocent life caused by the location of these facilities, will be the fault of the evil Islamist leadership in Iran not America or Israel.
If there is one bad guy in a house that has killed 2000 people and you kill 10 innocents when you blow the house he is still ahead 1989 deaths. Originally Posted by tucson
Your theory would have been fine and dandy had GW, Cheney, Rummy and friends maintained their focus upon the perpetrators of the few who actually brought down the "house" that killed the 2000+ people. Instead they went on a wild goose chase and focused their attention upon individuals that had nothing to do with bringing the "house" down.

Bottom line: GW lost focus and 4500+ Americans died because of it!
It is difficult to fight an enemy that hides among the populace and wears no uniform. We have fought like we did in WWII and that is not the war we are in. Water boarding is scary but while in the Boy Scouts we went through part of the SAC survival school. In the training we were run through water boarding. The Air Force felt that our airmen captured would be subject to it. It is scary as hell but once you have had it done to you, you know what to expect. We talk about treating them according to the Geneva accords but know they won't reciprocate. The British fought the last war when the Red Coats marched in mass towards our Minute Men. Bush and his bunch were fighting the last war and times have changed. Adapt or perish.
Fast Gunn's Avatar

That's your considered argument, caveman?

Someone needs to talk sense to you, but it will probably go over your head.

We don't think like them for a damned good reason.

. . . If we allow ourselves to think like they do then we become the same savages they are!

Little Stevie just be glad I wasn't in charge. I feel the Armys job is to kill people and destroy things. As far as I can see they didn't kill enough of the a-holes and left the job unfinished. If there is one bad guy in a house that has killed 2000 people and you kill 10 innocents when you blow the house he is still ahead 1989 deaths. Get them any way you can, they think that way why shouldn't we? Originally Posted by tucson
FASTCUMM I bet everytime you take a dump. You wipe your ass with a babywipe...LOL
Fast Gunn
There is no reason to be belligerent when you reply. We fought the Vietnam war all wrong with our"win their hearts" theory. It is hard to win some ones heart when they are frightened they will lose their butt to the VC. Another case is Cuba we allowed the brilliant and brave people to move to FL. Instead we should have forced them to stay in Cuba and fight off Castro. Having raised children I have learned you must make them earn what they receive. No one prizes what is given to them. We have earned our freedom with the blood lost by other brave men.
War crimes..?
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I share this opinion: http://www.catsprn.com/letter_of_apology.htm
joe bloe's Avatar
War crimes..?
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I share this opinion: http://www.catsprn.com/letter_of_apology.htm Originally Posted by PhantomofTheOpera

I certainly agree with the comments posted on the website you linked to. It's infuriating the way the left is constantly trying to portray the American military as evil. America is the greatest force for good in the world. I guess it stands to reason that the leftists would hate the American military; the Bible says those who do evil hate the light. (John 3:20)
Whiskey tango foxtrot! Originally Posted by joe bloe
Joe bloes _____! (Fill in the blank!)
Thanks for the wonderful link.
POTO got this right.....Thanks Bro.
72 virgins....yea right.
  • Laz
  • 06-17-2012, 07:51 PM
+1 POTO. My sentiments exactly.