Joe Biden, the man who thinks he is living in reality, but he isn't

- Heavenly sparrow speaking about Joe Biden

"He's like your old Grandpa who starts telling stories, but they really aren't true. He asks if people are here at the party, even though they are dead. He wishes people the best, even though they aren't with us anymore. He walks out of the supermarket, but forgets which way his car is and has to keep being redirected.

And then you realize he's in charge of the family fortune!
Capt. Hooker's Avatar
A no brainer
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
- Heavenly sparrow speaking about Joe Biden

"He's like your old Grandpa who starts telling stories, but they really aren't true. He asks if people are here at the party, even though they are dead. He wishes people the best, even though they aren't with us anymore. He walks out of the supermarket, but forgets which way his car is and has to keep being redirected.

And then you realize he's in charge of the family fortune! Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow

Hunter controls the bank accounts because Joe can't remember what bank he dumped his china loot in.

rooster's Avatar least he ain't on tape admitting he violated the Espionage act...

or....he ain't on text sayin how much he hates Trump...

Jim Comey ain't doin so great right now either....

Whew. You boyz is runnin outta heroes. I can understand why yer so desperate.

elghund's Avatar least he ain't on tape admitting he violated the Espionage act...

or....he ain't on text sayin how much he hates Trump...

Jim Comey ain't doin so great right now either....

Whew. You boyz is runnin outta heroes. I can understand why yer so desperate.

. Originally Posted by rooster

Way to kill a conspiracy theory thread,, Roo…!

Since when was this a conspiracy theory thread elg?

Interesting how to defend him you attack someone else. Hmmm. Oh that's because there's no defending the fact that our country is being ran by someone who has no right to be in a position of power.
Since when was this a conspiracy theory thread elg?

Interesting how to defend him you attack someone else. Hmmm. Oh that's because there's no defending the fact that our country is being ran by someone who has no right to be in a position of power. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
And why does Biden have "no right to be in a position of power?"
May I remind you that he was elected to be President?

Trump, the man who still thinks he is President, has no right to be a position of power.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
And why does Biden have "no right to be in a position of power?"
May I remind you that he was elected to be President?

Trump, the man who still thinks he is President, has no right to be a position of power. Originally Posted by brasil
600 × 600
rooster's Avatar
Interesting how to defend him you attack someone else.... Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
Um...yer orange boy basically invented that tactic.

Dude, this threAd you started is a total POS. Again...y'all are desperate. I get it. But still....

Learn how to make a cogent argument. And maybe a bit of grammar too.

Brasil, you're correct, he does have the right. However, his mind is going and the current admin is getting a little carried away. Looking into blocking out suns rays, hmmm.

Roo - when have you ever seen me defend Trump, won't happen. If it's a POS thread why are you here. Since you don't have balls to stand up for anyone politically you should probably just stick to creeping.
rooster's Avatar
Roo - when have you ever seen me defend Trump, won't happen. If it's a POS thread why are you here. Since you don't have balls to stand up for anyone politically you should probably just stick to creeping. Originally Posted by heavenlysparrow
First things apologies for the implication that you are a Trumper. I stand corrected.

Second, why would you thinck I don't have the "balls" to stand up for anyone politically? That's ridiculous. The sad fact is....there are very few worth standing up for right now. I hate 'em all, for the most part. It doesn't matter the persuasion. The system is so fucking broken due to big money and special interests. I am starting to doubt it can ever be fixed.

So whatta we got? Conservatives pushing fake culture wars and gaming the system to entrench their fucking fascist bullshit. Libs who can't put together a platform...or candidates...that appeal to anyone who actually votes.

And all the while, none of these shitheads have an actual plan to try to deal with the biggest threats to us all: climate change and the ongoing military/political nightmares in places like China, Iran, Russia, and Africa.

So yup....I don't "stand up" for anyone. But it ain't due to lack of "balls." Like many others, the only thing I have left is to call out the worst of this bullshit. I am reduced to voting for candidates who do the least harm. Fuck me. And yer "balls."

I state again....this threAd is a true POS.

Perhaps I am grasping at straws, but a couple of the above posts lead me to believe, perhaps naively, that even in the Sandbox, those of us who have very different politics can follow one of the norms of civilized discourse and "stand corrected," when we perceive that a posting might have been not as accurate as we originally had thought.

Heavenlysparow, took the high ground by posting "Brasil, you're correct, he does have the right. However, his mind is going and the current admin is getting a little carried away. Looking into blocking out suns rays, hmmm."
While maintaining the thrust of his earlier anti-Biden post, he did acknowledge that one of its points was perhaps not entirely accurate.

The second example of civilized discourse is Rooster's rejoinder that was prefaced by "First things apologies for the implication that you are a Trumper. I stand corrected."

As we continue to swim in the Darwinian sea of our current politics, it is refreshing to see that some glimmer of rationality and humility in some quarters.
rooster's Avatar
Well said, brasil. And thank you for the reminder. Too many of the current problems are made worse by those who encourage the divisiveness that they feel has become an important part of their message. We all suffer for it.

Let us all vow to continue to ignore the Tucker threAd.

And....I need a parade.

Parades are indeed therapeutic. I assume you are suggesting one at a reputable (or preferably irreputable) strip club, and not one at the Capitol.
Parades are indeed therapeutic. I assume you are suggesting one at a reputable (or preferably irreputable) strip club, and not one in Portland, Frisco, Chicago, Kenosha etc. Originally Posted by brasil