Tyler...your fucking up a wet dream..or worse!! A nightmare!

xXxoRRoxXx's Avatar
If things don't start to look up this will be the last time I will sleep in Tyler... I'll save my personal thoughts as to why Tyler has fizzed out the previous two times I'm sure you all will have your own opinions so I am just going to list the facts I have visited Tyler three times in the past 2 months ...over the past 60 days I have received over 90 (pm alone) requests from individuals for my time I have developed several decent and promising relationships ,some even have become great assets to my real world business... the clients that I have seen have been extraordinarily wonderful and quite generous. ... why is it now I hear crickets ??I have read the other posts by ladies so I know it's a typical thing but I have been in the slowest of the slow places and always seem to maintain a decent flow which I am not a high-volume I do not see more than two clients a day typically only two a week... So out of those 90 requests you would think one would follow through...6 hours and counting now. ...might as well go thrifting... please excuse the run ons and lack to minimal punctuation I have been using voice to text... Come on Tyler LETS fuck!!
hardroad69's Avatar
Like the man said "feeling the pinch".
  • jwood
  • 11-02-2017, 07:47 PM
Great body, perfect age in Tyler Tx.
Ahh sorry to hear that! I have felt the pain as well, many requests and then when I come and give a heads up with a day or two to spare. Nothing, Zilch, Natta
Bazztex's Avatar
Timing and logistics. Opening weekend of deer season and I am 450 miles away.

Please don’t take all your frustrations out on us......well unless we ask you too. LOL

Keep a positive attitude.
popser's Avatar
She is the best. Better get this Lady taken care of.
  • Mt75
  • 11-08-2017, 05:38 AM
I know some guys I talk to fall off after a certain amount.

I have never haggled rates and each person sets their worth but some of the guys I regularly talk to from here can only spend a certain amount at a time and will rarely ever go above that.

For a guy to take a chance on a new ATF who is above his usual rate is difficult because he knows he cannot keep seeing her vs a friend he has at a lower rate.

Myself I have been quiet here and less active then days in past due to work. Given a chance I would love to sneak off and have some fun with you ladies between the sheets but stars have not aligned anytime recently for me.

We East Texas guys appreciate what you ladies offer and those of us who have been around any length of time thank you for taking care of us.
Princess Kimber's Avatar
I visit Tyler every other week and that's one thing I HATE about them they will pm you to death then when you get there noone is around. So everyone that pm me I pm you when I arrive. Tyler actually has a good group of men tho just wouldn't recommend staying long periods of time the money slows down after a couple of days
Ace_Boogie's Avatar
My advice would be to make appointments before you travel there. Not saying that you aren’t doing that just a suggestion because most, if not all, of us gents on here have a RW job with fluctuating hours and possibly a RW GF that we can’t just drop everything when a provider arrives. My guess is that these guys are reaching out to you because they are horny and free at the time but the provider isn’t available. So ghost messages are sent out hoping to get a quick reply.
Ace_Boogie's Avatar
Also, like Mt said...if I have to choose between a provider that I’ve seen before with a price range that is more accommodating to my price range and one that I’ve never seen before that’s looking for $ more for the same service then I will be more inclined to go back to my good old reliable instead of venturing out to something new. Once again I’m not trying to tell you how to run your business just giving a suggestion. Slow business is bad for everyone because we, as hobbyists, wouldn’t want word of mouth to get around that an area is slow because it’ll only get slower from there.