M&M Double

Welcome back Meredith, glad u could join me and magic for a jacucci double today.WOW!!!!! What a great time was had by all. U all know about magic and her mints. I got so worked up when we were passing the mint around I swallowed the mint. Oh we'll she said in her ad melt in your mouth not in your hand, don't think she meant swallow the damn mint.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Holy fuck....muffy mod PLEASE edit out location!!!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Dear LE:

Could you please pick me up. I'm ready to wears orange every day and I love bologna for lunch.

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Really HID? You think I WANTED that posted like that? Unless you're helping, how bout you keep your opinion to yourself plz. Safety is serious...don't need smartass on top of it.

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Thanks for fixing that, Randy....sorry for the freak out mode but safety is HUGE for us and even with screening, it's still dangerous out here.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Dear simple creature:

Had you considered the sarcasm before popping off you mightnhave realized I in no way implied anyone would want their location posted.


PS Tis better to be a smart ass than a dumb ass.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Dear SBC community (especially Muddy):

My apologies for allowing myself to be drawn into a firing of flames. I've been around a long time; I know better than to engage in drama. Hell in 20 years on the boards I've not lowered myself to the drama queen's level until now.

MajicPlayground's Avatar
I think we covered this in PM, HID. Unless you'd like to drag it out here as well, hmmm?
MuffinMan's Avatar
Be careful folks....I'm not closing this thread, but let's keep it civil.

Just a recap for those trying to follow along:

Randy, the OP, had a brain fart and published the exact location of their meeting. Evidently, HID saw the post before Randy edited his foul up. HID made his sarcastic post before the correction, BUT he fucked up by signing it " Love Provider" instead of "Dumb Ass Hobbiest". Now feeling are hurt and fingers are typing before brains are fully engaged.

Be very careful about typing angry. Sometimes it results in vacations on both sides.....just sayin'.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Once again my apologies to the community. It was not my intent, but I certainly was a party to hijacking this thread. I will post in a new thread, in the appropriate section.


PS Muffy, I'm glad I stepped down from moderating years ago. Please keep up the good work!