Visiting Houston For The First Time!

Star Hollowday's Avatar
Hello to all, I've heard great things about Houston and so excited to finally visit!
damnnn those legs and that sweeeet ass!!!!
  • tth
  • 03-13-2024, 11:44 AM
Welcome cutie
What area of town are staying in
Star Hollowday's Avatar
Welcome cutie
What area of town are staying in Originally Posted by tth
The Galleria thats the area I hear is best?
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Himmlischer Vater,

Wir kommen mit Lob und Dankbarkeit zu Ihnen für alles, was Sie getan haben. Wir danken Ihnen für die Schönheit Ihrer Schöpfung und die einzigartigen Geschenke, die Sie uns gemacht haben.

Vergib uns, wenn wir unsere Segnungen manchmal für selbstverständlich halten oder vergessen, sie auf eine Weise zu nutzen, die Dich ehrt. Helfen Sie uns, jedes Geschenk, das Sie uns geben, bewusst zu nutzen.

: Heavenly Father,

We come to you with praise and thankfulness for all that you have done. We thank you for the beauty of Your creation and the unique gifts You have given us.

Forgive us if we sometimes take our blessings for granted or forget to use them in ways that honor You. Help us to be mindful of how we use every gift You give us. :
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
Have safe travels and enjoy your stay!

Happy Hobbying!
You will be popular around these parts!
Star Hollowday's Avatar
You will be popular around these parts! Originally Posted by Fizley
Thank you Fizley xoxo
Samcro84's Avatar
Galleria is terrible for some of us.

See ladies in Katy or North.

Good luck.