OK, this is admittedly a rant. After a period of sporadic commercial air travel, I have started a business in another city that requires more frequent air travel. The so-called "security" at our airports is a laughable mess. I read today that more than thirty organizations across the political spectrum have filed a formal petition with the Department of Homeland Security, urging the federal agency to suspend the airport body scanner program.

TSA's procedures do, IMHO, virtually nothing to discourage serious terrorist threats. As a repected blogger puts it: "What's worse is that the inspection process is really just "security theater" that makes only a few naive travelers feel safer about airline travel.

And if all that weren't bad enough, the worst news is that once a governmental "safeguard" such as the TSA procedures are adopted, Congress has no interest in dismantling it even when it's clear that process is ineffective, expensive and obtrusive to citizens. Stated simply, the TSA has become a jobs program for thousands of registered voters."
HOOK'EM's Avatar

discreetgent's Avatar
The department of homeland security in general is a joke. It is a miracle we haven't had another attack.

Check out this Ron White skit, funny stuff: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueTfihcVJlI

This issue has been widely discussed. In my eyes, the most prominent critic that has been pointing this out is Bruce Schneier.
I also travel extensively, and continue to be amazed at the incompetence of the TSA. One would expect the same rules & procedures at every US airport, but it's not even close. For the most part, they don't even know their own rules. The ban on butane lighters was lifted over a year ago, yet I still see TSA agents confiscating them. At some airports, chapstick is considered a "liquid or gel" and must be in your little plastic baggie, but not at others. Sometimes shoes go in a bin, sometimes not.

We have to take our shoes off because some asshole tried to set his on fire. Last December some other asshole tried to set his underwear on fire. Given the speed at which the TSA responds, I'd say somewhere around July we'll have to put underwear on the belt with our shoes.

I'm proposing what I call the "Texas Airline Security System". Issue every passenger a loaded pistol as they board the plane. Ain't nobody gonna pull any crap if everybody is packin'. Also solves the "armrest hog" & "seatback recliner" problems.

Yeah, I know, stupid solution. No worse than the TSA though.
Willen's Avatar
Sadly, you may be right.
John Bull's Avatar
At best the airport security practices may catch the dumbest of terrorists. I’ve always thought it would be a lot cheaper, more efficient, and just as effective to set up a “Terrorists Only” screening line.
Rudyard K's Avatar
I'm proposing what I call the "Texas Airline Security System". Issue every passenger a loaded pistol as they board the plane. Ain't nobody gonna pull any crap if everybody is packin'. Also solves the "armrest hog" & "seatback recliner" problems. Originally Posted by colels
Discounts for those who bring their own?
I travel frequently too.

If we want to take our lead from anywhere, we should copy Israel, or do nothing at all.

TSA employees are those that used to be hotel housekeepers IMHO. They stepped up to TSA while the undocumented immigrants took over their jobs at the hotels.
pyramider's Avatar
Its a joke.

I have carried knives on board. It was an accident. No one stopped me, no muss, no fuss.
TSA employees are those that used to be hotel housekeepers IMHO. They stepped up to TSA while the undocumented immigrants took over their jobs at the hotels. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Now I know what happened to the english speaking housekeepers. I thought some of those TSA agent looked familiar.

Last year, a coworker & I were in Dallas for a seminar. He really liked Shiner Bock (I didn't say he had good taste), & decided to take a 6 pack of bottles home. I told him the baggage handlers would break them, so he decided to put them in his carry on. I thought, "no way he gets through security". Wrong, he breezed through, while they confiscated a pair of nail clippers from a 12 year old girl.

So much for liguids being limited to 3 oz containers in a quart plastic bag. If it comes to a fight, I'll take a beer bottle over nail clippers every time. Just another example of our govt in action.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-30-2010, 12:52 PM
They searched some 90year old great grandpaw in front of me yesterday? Seriously they had to help him thur the scanner...his britches almost fell down when he took off his belt. Only bomb he had on him was a dirty bomb in his depends.....it was sad.
pyramider's Avatar
TSA harrassed a friend that had a rod put in his femur after a motorcyle accident. He got fed up and dropped his pants and showed everyone his scar.