Every Had a bad day?

Ever have one of those days were everything that can go wrong foes? Feeling that karma has it out for you?

Here is me just venting...
I am having one of those days. . My 2pm booking disappeared on me n my 3pm finally replies asking for a rain check bc he found a sw. This 20mins be4 the appt time. Just got a 800 bill from the vet... so was really counting on things to work out.. I am so stressed and feed up with people who set times n get my hopes up that I will get ends to meet n then puff nothing..

Oh and I got a 200 bill for my stupid kid breaking a bench in school when he was upset. So 1000 in debt extra this month and I have bearly been getting by...

Its like omg! God just help me out.. it will be worth ur wild...

But nope get my hopes up just to get them stomped on again. .