have been missing everyone

GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 06-27-2017, 09:50 PM
I really have missed y'all. Do to medical problems, and out of pocket financial cost. It has cut into the hobby budget. But I couldn't have hobbied if I want to couldn't see to drive anyway. Eyesight is better now though, I can see screen now. Just wanted to give everyone a little heads up why I haven't been very active these last few month.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Welcome back, its good to hear from ya! It's good to hear your feeling better and on
the mend.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Glad you're back! Hope things heal up for you, buddy...we've missed you.
Thanks for the update and sounds like you will be back in the game in no time.
Welcome back
Well GMTA getcha ass back in the saddle ole pard.
I have discovered that you don't HAVE to drive my friend. They will come to YOU. And what a blast THAT is. Those headlights coming up the drive are truly a glorious sight. And the fun at the Ponderosa is unmatched at the most elite in call.
Glad ya back GMTA. Took a little heighetas myself. But back at it now.
Couple of high quality new Phillies roaming these parts too there ole pard. I suggest you give em all a test ride.
Let's ride!