Did you ever notice that when conservatives and liberals talk about the same thing...

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
...they're talking about two different things? Thank you Andy Rooney.

Thomas Friedman just wrote a column saying that he thinks civil war is on the horizon. Of course he blames the right because he is a leftie to the extreme.
What are we really talking about? I notice that whenever the right speaks of civil war it is about a war of secession. You know, we go do our thing and you leave us alone. We will allow anyone else to live with us as long as they obey that tenet of leaving us alone.
The left...the left is something else. They talk about a revolution. They want to wrest control of government by force and force everyone to obey their enlightened rules and regulations. Look at CHAZ, the leftists insisted that people unwilling to bow to their wishes get out or be forced to obey. No room for freedom of thought or actions with them. Same thing with BLM and Antifa. We come to your house or where you're eating and you'd better be on our side or we can't be responsible for our actions (the spousal beater defense).
The right just wants government to let us have our guns, our rights, our god, and our freedom. Show up when we call the sheriff and keep our taxes within reason.
Since I came in with Andy Rooney, I'll go out with Henry Higgins, "why can't the left be more like the right?".
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...they're talking about two different things? Thank you Andy Rooney... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I think they're skeered of personal responsibility and are scared of reality in general. You see it in their over the top (though entirely predictable) reaction to practically anything. It's like stage-craft in a way. The way they over-react and over-emphases the slightest thing to make it appear bigger than it actually is and more prominent.

Maybe they all took too many drama classes in school and think a stage is real life. Maybe their safe-spaces had poor ventilation/circulation and their brains suffered oxygen depletion or CO2 poisoning. Dunno.

For example; Look at this over the top hyped-up drama queen schtuff here and notice the tone of panic and fear and projection. You can practically (literally) see the floor lights shinning up as they project their outrage of the day from the stage:

2 min

So there is that and the fact that they are pathetic morons...
roaringfork's Avatar
...they're talking about two different things? Thank you Andy Rooney.

Thomas Friedman just wrote a column saying that he thinks civil war is on the horizon. Of course he blames the right because he is a leftie to the extreme.
What are we really talking about? I notice that whenever the right speaks of civil war it is about a war of secession. You know, we go do our thing and you leave us alone. We will allow anyone else to live with us as long as they obey that tenet of leaving us alone.
The left...the left is something else. They talk about a revolution. They want to wrest control of government by force and force everyone to obey their enlightened rules and regulations. Look at CHAZ, the leftists insisted that people unwilling to bow to their wishes get out or be forced to obey. No room for freedom of thought or actions with them. Same thing with BLM and Antifa. We come to your house or where you're eating and you'd better be on our side or we can't be responsible for our actions (the spousal beater defense).
The right just wants government to let us have our guns, our rights, our god, and our freedom. Show up when we call the sheriff and keep our taxes within reason.
Since I came in with Andy Rooney, I'll go out with Henry Higgins, "why can't the left be more like the right?". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Forget Higgins and Rooney; the greatest (unconsciously) political thinker is Eric Berne:

A conservative is someone who wants to live in a world of adult-adult transactions; a liberal wants to live in a world of parent-child transactions. A liberal always requires someone to dominate or depend upon; as conservatives (adults) we have the option of minding our own business, and letting others do the same.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The left believes the guberment can do everything you and I the we are to stupid , of course with there elite making billions , right believes people are free and should do things for themselves make money for their use .
Venezuela is a good leftist example
mrmxmr's Avatar
the overall universal principle behind the left and their general mindset is arrogance!

The arrogance of believing their knowledge is superior to any other .

That they have it all figured out and have the answers that eventually lead to better things for our country. That their certainty is of the highest degree and those who do not subscribe are somehow in the dark or lack the knowledge to see the better world they have in store for us.

The arrogance to dismiss similar beliefs that already have failed throughout the world.

The arrogance to attempt to redefine the constitution and ignore what the founders created. That we are the greatest country in history where freedom lives and thrives.

The arrogance to scrutinize and affect the dynamic and structure of governing by stacking courts and legislatures with those who support their ideals who pick and choose laws that meet their needs and advance their agenda while ignoring the laws that dont.

The arrogance of believing that using words and twists of truth they can change or destroy whatever is contrary to their beliefs . That using means such as tribalism , division, empty promises, envy and violence creates a paradigm shift that leads to their seizing control and believed greater good , no matter the cost .

The arrogance of framing morality into an idea of what they believe should be moral, calling it progress and adopting relativism as the new advanced moral code.

The arrogance to believe that the numbers are few of those who do not see through them and that WE the people no longer see the greatness of our country and the freedoms we value .

Arrogance has existed in leaders forever, its time to identify it and put it to rest !

Thats what we as americans have always fought for and will continue to ,for Freedom is the heart of our country and it still beats strong !!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
the overall universal principle behind the left and their general mindset is arrogance!... Originally Posted by mrmxmr

Advanced arrogance is known as hubris. It's kinda like terminal, Stage 4, arrogance.
you have to be aware to properly assess a leftist's speech

leftists use common and many times comforting words in their speech, but they have entirely different meanings attached to words americans mostly would agree with, its a tricky device

leftist work overtime to use words with their new meaning

leftists have an "ala carte" approach to world view and belief systems, they can claim religiousness doing so, they can pick this time one thing and the next time another thing to propose or bring into effect, all is expediency

someone once said:

The problem of semantics has always played an important part in human affairs, for by its use or abuse, whichever the case may be, entire churches, thrones, and governments have been erected, sustained, or overthrown. The late George Orwell's stirring novel 1984, in which he points out that the redefinition of common political terms can lead to slavery when it is allowed to pass unchallenged by a lethargic populace, is a classic illustration of the dangers of perverted semantics. It should be of no particular surprise to any student of world history that trick terminology is a powerful propaganda weapon.

some examples of word misuse

my truth instead of the truth

taxes are investment

increased union salaries are investment

for the children is increased union salaries and entrenched power

follow the constitution is leave abortion alone

having principles is spreading hate

claiming rights under the bill of rights is spreading hate
deaf_vacation's Avatar
Liberals deflect. Just one of many examples; harvey weinstein was asked about his rape allegations. He started whining about the NRA. Another example; when andrew yang was asked about BLM rioters, he blamed cops and "vigilantes".
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
...they're talking about two different things? Thank you Andy Rooney.

Thomas Friedman just wrote a column saying that he thinks civil war is on the horizon. Of course he blames the right because he is a leftie to the extreme.
What are we really talking about? I notice that whenever the right speaks of civil war it is about a war of secession. You know, we go do our thing and you leave us alone. We will allow anyone else to live with us as long as they obey that tenet of leaving us alone.
The left...the left is something else. They talk about a revolution. They want to wrest control of government by force and force everyone to obey their enlightened rules and regulations. Look at CHAZ, the leftists insisted that people unwilling to bow to their wishes get out or be forced to obey. No room for freedom of thought or actions with them. Same thing with BLM and Antifa. We come to your house or where you're eating and you'd better be on our side or we can't be responsible for our actions (the spousal beater defense).
The right just wants government to let us have our guns, our rights, our god, and our freedom. Show up when we call the sheriff and keep our taxes within reason.
Since I came in with Andy Rooney, I'll go out with Henry Higgins, "why can't the left be more like the right?". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

whos henry higgins?
rexdutchman's Avatar
The liberal third leftist ASSUME a lot , They really believe people are sheeples
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Professor Henry Higgins, master of linguistics from My Fair Lady. His song was, Why Can't A Woman be More Like a Man?
matchingmole's Avatar
The Trumptards believe that Trump can actually balance his fat ass on a tank

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the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I was waiting for the first leftie to post and I'm disappointed. Oops, you left your Russian watermark on your graphic Ivan.
matchingmole's Avatar
Advanced arrogance is known as hubris. It's kinda like terminal, Stage 4, arrogance. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

eccieuser9500's Avatar
...they're talking about two different things? Thank you Andy Rooney.

The left...the left is something else. They talk about a revolution. They want to wrest control of government by force and force everyone to obey their enlightened rules and regulations. Look at CHAZ, the leftists insisted that people unwilling to bow to their wishes get out or be forced to obey. No room for freedom of thought or actions with them. Same thing with BLM and Antifa. We come to your house or where you're eating and you'd better be on our side or we can't be responsible for our actions (the spousal beater defense).

Who told you this? Are you making shit up? References? Footnotes so we can follow along with your bullshit? At least be a scholarly right-wing nut. Fuck! I gave you too much credit, sailor.

The right just wants government to let us have our guns, our rights, our god, and our freedom. Show up when we call the sheriff and keep our taxes within reason.
Since I came in with Andy Rooney, I'll go out with Henry Higgins, "why can't the left be more like the right?". Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
You're fuckin' losing it the closer we get to the election. Too much time out at sea?