DEI Rant At Hearing: When Is It Enough?

ICU 812's Avatar
First the rant"

And my take: All my adult life and well back into my youth, there has been this call for equity and so on. First in my memory was disruptive cross district bussing instead of actually upgrading the schols. Next in my maturing awareness was Affirmative Action with lowered standards and skewed college admission criteria (skewed away from performance).

But all that was in the 1960s. Itg has continued in different versions to the present day. . . .over sixty years now.

So my question is: ? When will it be enough? How long will low performing folks be jumped in line for college admissions and advancement in the workplace? All those early Affirmative Action admissions and hires have long since retired. They got their jump and so did their offspring. Sixy years later, or fourty even, should be enough. of a head start . . .two generations or so.

Chinese laborers were brought here in the 1800s to work on the railroads in the west. While they were not considered to be slaves the in the same legal sense that the southern blacks were before them. .the Chinese laborer, at the time called "coolies", were treated in nearly the same way and paid as much as (as little as) the freed blacks in the deep south and elsewhere.

Yet today, Asian Americans of nearly every ethnicity outperform most other American ethnicities in every economic and academic field. They are still routinely discriminated against in education but manage to thrive anyway.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When marginalized populations are no longer marginalized, then it’ll be enough.

I submit that the whining bout DEI is directly proportional to the loss of privilege by those populations are are not.

That said, someone is always being discriminated against.
texassapper's Avatar
You have erroneous assumptions; that is why you cannot arrive at a logical explanation for the events you mention.
ICU 812's Avatar
So how did the Chinese become un-marginalized?

More recently:

How did the Vietnamese become un-marginalized?

Why is it that black people from Nigeria and the Carrabine Islands. do not think of themselves as marginalized?

How much line cutting and preferential treatment is enough? Sixty years of affirmative action is multi generational. At some point it should be enough.
First the rant"

And my take: All my adult life and well back into my youth, there has been this call for equity and so on. First in my memory was disruptive cross district bussing instead of actually upgrading the schols. Next in my maturing awareness was Affirmative Action with lowered standards and skewed college admission criteria (skewed away from performance).

But all that was in the 1960s. Itg has continued in different versions to the present day. . . .over sixty years now.

So my question is: ? When will it be enough? How long will low performing folks be jumped in line for college admissions and advancement in the workplace? All those early Affirmative Action admissions and hires have long since retired. They got their jump and so did their offspring. Sixy years later, or fourty even, should be enough. of a head start . . .two generations or so.

Chinese laborers were brought here in the 1800s to work on the railroads in the west. While they were not considered to be slaves the in the same legal sense that the southern blacks were before them. .the Chinese laborer, at the time called "coolies", were treated in nearly the same way and paid as much as (as little as) the freed blacks in the deep south and elsewhere.

Yet today, Asian Americans of nearly every ethnicity outperform most other American ethnicities in every economic and academic field. They are still routinely discriminated against in education but manage to thrive anyway. Originally Posted by ICU 812
This Cunt is proof that Poverty Pimps come in varied Genders.
TravelingHere's Avatar
It's a grift. It'll continue as long as its proponents can keep it going
It's not DEI. It's fucking RACISM. Shoes on the other foot now bitches. Leftists have been and always will be racists.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's not DEI. It's fucking RACISM. Shoes on the other foot now bitches. Leftists have been and always will be racists. Originally Posted by onlyAMPs4menow
How is DEI racism?

Check your privilege, please.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Differential treatment of a group due to skin color is, by definition, racism.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
How is DEI racism?

Check your privilege, please. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wait! Wut! No, actually it doesn't?!? It does actually makes sense!!...
ICU 812's Avatar
So how did the Chinese become un-marginalized?

More recently:

How did the Vietnamese become un-marginalized?

Why is it that black people from Nigeria and the Carrabine Islands. do not think of themselves as marginalized?

How much line cutting and preferential treatment is enough? Sixty years of affirmative action is multi generational. At some point it should be enough. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Crickets from the left.
ICU 812's Avatar
When I was in college there was this woman who had escaped from Mayo's Cultural Revolution with little more than her life. In China she had been a lawyer . . .in Chinese laws. Not much future in that in the USA of the 1960s.

So she learned English and somehow earned a PhD in Math. She taught Trig and Calculus.

She refused to be a victim of life and got on with it.
When the more qualified candidate gets passed over for college admission, a job, promotion, etc., for a less qualified individual based entirely on skin color, that is clear racism (as Jacuzzme mentioned). Thankfully, it seems the incoming Trump administration is going to take steps to fix this issue.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
As a straight white man, I'm feeling vindicated.
ICU 812's Avatar
Lots of wining from the left.

Now, will someone explain why sixty years of affirmative action is still not enough preferential treatment?

How about examining the difference in attitude between the incoming indiginous peoples of sub-Saharan Africa and African Americans? What about the incoming people of color incoming from the Carrabine Islands and African Americans?

All I hear from the progressive liberals here is wining in general and silence on the questions.

If the USA is such a bad place, with such a deplorable history of social injustice, why do these incoming groups of people, indistinguishable from African Americans by appearance all look on America as the land of oppertunity>