Lost Girls: Erotic Graphic Novel

Finally finished my lastest bit of reading. Lost Girls is an excellent piece for the well read in both culture and history. It is surprisingly well layered, hidden delights awaiting the active mind.

Three characters from famous fiction meet each other at an Austrian hotel. Alice, an aging aristocrat. Wendy, a middle class housewife. Dorathy, a young woman wanting to explore the world.

The reader learns that the fantasy worlds each of these girls constructed was a way of coming to terms with their earliest sexual experiences. By sharing their stories, the lost girls find themselves as grown women.

It is set against the background of the spark that ignites WW1. The loss of their innocence juxtaposed against the loss of innocence for all human kind. A moment of indulgence, laid on the cusp of the death of decadence.

The art work is stunning, and often quite symbolic, little details that are easy to miss tease the eyes. The way the styles change is fascinating and obviously intentional. My favorite part is the book inside the book... The Austrian hotel has an erotic graphic novel of it's own which we get to read along with the various characters.

It is at times ludicrous, vulgar and cheeky. However, it also contains some of the most passionate and sensual words I've ever read. It is a large hard cover, not easily hidden. However, well worth the adventure if you dare.
I used to love reading novels, really don't have the time now. Have you read 'Confessions of Tamara G'? Autobiographical stories from an escort around now.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I had never heard of this book until I read about it on another board. (Thanks again, Lauren, if you see this!)

And I'm so excited about the premise! It's ordered and hopefully, the book will get here in a few days. It's rare to find a book that is provocative, gritty and from what I hear ... completely pornographic with so many philosophical twists and turns.

I'm jumping up and down in anticipation!

Meiji's Avatar
  • Meiji
  • 06-01-2011, 08:56 PM
I haven't finished reading it, but Lost Girls is a great graphic novel. It's written by Alan Moore, the same writer who did V for Vendetta, Watchmen, and the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, all of which were made into movies that he hated.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I was reading some more reviews on it today and it does have some controversy because of some things that are presented that are actually not allowed to be (rightfully so) on this board.

Hopefully, tomorrow the book will arrive and I can start reading it!!!

Yippee! Wouldn't it be fun to have an online book club that featured only erotica?
